Warm Southern Breeze

"… there is no such thing as nothing."

Two Southern Mass Shootings In One Day

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, September 1, 2019

What the hell!?! Damn!

I was ready to go to bed after wrapping up a blog entry on Joe Biden’s support of the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act (FOPA) which was responsible for the “measure that allowed dealers to sell rifles, shotguns and ammunition through the mail, and, eventually, the internet. It limited federal inspections of firearms dealers while allowing them to sell guns at gun shows, which helped them grow in size and popularity. And it made it easier for private collectors to sell guns without obtaining a federal dealers’ license, which would play a role in what later became known as the “Gun Show Loophole.””

ref: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/biden-voted-nra-when-senate-nation-were-very-different-n997311

And what do I see?

Shooting At High School Football Game Injures Multiple Teens In Mobile, Alabama

First thought that came to my mind was the lead sentence in this entry.
The next thought was, “Ban all guns. The motherfuckers obviously can’t handle them, and don’t need them.”
Then, I thought, “Well… maybe we need to make it more difficult for just anyone and everyone to obtain firearms. Something that’d be ‘Constitutionally-approved.'”
Seriously, this shit has got to STOP!!!
Why couldn’t we pass a law mandating a 30-day waiting period for firearm purchase-to-possession?
Why couldn’t we pass a law limiting the number of firearms one could own?
Why couldn’t we pass a law requiring Mandatory Universal Background Checks?
Why couldn’t we pass a law limiting firearm purchases, possession, and ownership to adults over age 21?
Why should we NOT do any of those things, and more, to attempt to PREVENT mass shootings?

This shit has GOT TO STOP!!

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