Warm Southern Breeze

"… there is no such thing as nothing."

Free… It’s FREE! What’s free? This is free!

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Friday, April 12, 2024

Free thought association…

On the third day of the eighth month in the fifth year of our LORD Ich’bin-Ein Berliner, came the jelly doughnut, a minute triceratops of a man, swimming freely in the oceans’ waters, basking in every bubble from the aerator around which the goldfish swam, as he peered outside its cavernous steel bars into the cat lounging on the spaghetti Bolognese, seeing clearly into its heart, lungs, and digestive system, while fueling the top fuel dragster from which he was born.

I don’t have opposable thumbs.

Both my thumbs have always worked in conjunction with all my other fingers, and with each other. And, they are in harmonious union with the palms… which should in no wise be conflated with date palms, Palme d’Or, iron ore, wooden oars, Cannes, Campbell’s soup cans, Andy Warhol, or else.


The food we eat (that is to say, the food proffered to us in supermarkets, brands often advertised on teevee, print, and radio, in turn owned by mega-globally-traded behemoth transnational corporations) is largely factory-processed, made nutrient-deficient, hyper-preserved, sodium-laden — for additive preservative purpose — which nether creatively increases flavor, nor improves taste, is shelf-stable practically into perpetuity, and is all done so for one motive exclusively: Profit – to get more money.

Their interests and loyalties are NOT to you, nor to their customers, neither to your family, friends, and loved ones, but rather, are beholden to their corporate shareholders upon whom they openly ingratiate themselves, and to whom they, first and foremost, through a strong sense of obligation via stock ownership or other requirement, owe a substantial share of the profit, and in some cases, the “first fruits.”

And therefore, they work to achieve, or exceed, the expectations of the financial prognosticators and market soothsayers by obeying the edicts of the corporate overlords and executives in all details of business operation. So, when employees of the company’s various stores in select locales complain about employee mistreatment, and low wages combined with decreased hours — EVEN THOUGH the company made $24.6 BILLION in PROFITS for 2023, which in turn, effectively meant that all of its 400,000 employees could have been given an $11,000 raise and STILL have at least $20 BILLION in profit. Instead, the employees must rely upon tips for survival. That company is Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Business... None of yours, - Did they REALLY say that?, - Lost In Space: TOTALLY Discombobulated, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News, - Round, round, get around, I get around. | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Survey: Folks are leaving church because of mean people

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Thursday, March 28, 2024

Here’s your

“Well… Duh! No shit, Jack!”


You know things are pretty bad when “sinners” (atheists, agnostics, humanists, et al) know when religious folks are not practicing what they preach, and call out their blatant hypocrisy… and even Jesus agrees with them.

“I tell you the truth, corrupt tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the Kingdom of God before you do.”
— Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew 21:31 (NIV)

Instead of establishing and promoting tax-free corrupt religious empires in order to facilitate, perpetuate, and obfuscate sex crimes by shuffling perpetrators and prime suspects across state lines and international borders, isn’t it time we started talking about taxing churches?

Formerly, religion was thought of as a “moral good,” an imperative of immense societal importance, imagining (falsely) that people cannot be moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous, pious, or even devout, without religion. Granted, piety and devoutness have often been used to characterize behaviors in religious terms, but those 2 words have neither exclusively ecclesiastical, nor uniquely religious application or use — as their etymology (history of a word’s origin, derivation, and usage) indicates — even though they have been co-opted for that purpose.

But, people can be, and are, good, without religion, without practicing religion — belief in an ethereal, often-supernatural being(s), which often are superlative to humans, frequently possessing omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, among other super-powers.

It’s as if We The People want someone like us, but simultaneously not like us, to whom we can give obeisance… and alms. Can’t have religion without money, you know. At least in America, you can’t.

And so, we have created our very own god — a veritable golden calf, only this one is green, his name is Benjamin, has no intrinsic value, but is backed by the “full faith and credit” of the government of the United States.

Naturally, my god is better than, and superior to, your god, and so, we must fight to the death to determine whose god will win, whose theology will prevail, whose rules we will obey, and upon whom we will force the arcane doctrines, under penalty of law… even imposing death if it so warrants. And there are many, for the arrest of thousands, upon thousands for infractions of the most picayune type.

Hair too long? Too short? Pants too tight? Bulges in the wrong places? Body parts poking through sweaters and snug-fitting tee-shirts? Shorts too short? Makeup? Work on Sunday? Saturday? Wednesday night?

After all, it’s what god wants.


But taxing churches…

The ostensible primary idea behind the elimination of tax responsibility and liability, is that churches and religious institutions provide an intangible public benefit such as the inculcation of ethics, morals, and values, in addition to providing corporeal, tangible relief and assistance to societies’ members in time of need, which exemplifies the practice of the ethic, the ideal, the standard to which the faithful hold themselves accountable… or not. At one time, churches, and religions in general terms, held up an ideal, one of education, of discovery, of contributing to society, of helping others, etc., though they are not often nowadays seen practicing what they once preached… even though they are given the same level (if not more) of legal deference and respect that they once were given, including substantially preferential legal treatment, which had the elimination of tax liability as its bedrock, private donations to which also enjoyed similar treatment, as well as the clerics who enjoyed such public largesse in the form of personal tax elimination.

Their abuses — aside from sexual crimes — are renown.

Houses fit for kings — literally, modern versions of British castles and princely estates, with tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of square feet, multiple stories (often, at least 3), and acres upon acres — even miles upon miles — of prime farm and forest land, often lain fallow, only rarely hunted, and farmed even less — are commonplace.

To compare, Frogmore Cottage, a more “humble” part of the Royal Windsor Estate in England, formerly known as Double Garden Cottage when it belonged to Queen Charlotte in 1801, had been divided into 5 separate housing units in the early 21st century and occupied by Windsor Estate workers, and later briefly became the former residence of the former Prince Harry and his bride Rachel Meghan Markle, former Duchess of Sussex, which they extensively renovated in 2019, previously had 5,089 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, with nursery, again became a single-family residence house in 2020, and now has 10 bedrooms, with 2 floors, on 33 acres.

Joel Osteen, whose net worth is estimated to be at least $100 million, and who owns Lakewood Church in Houston, TX, resides with his spouse and 2 adult children in a 17,000 square foot palatial property in Houston’s ultra-elite River Oaks neighborhood, a renown enclave of billionaires, which physical “footprint” encompasses 1.86 acres, cost $10.5 million, has 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 5 open wood fireplaces, 3 elevators, a 2-story, 2,800 square foot guest house with 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, a full kitchen and laundry room, a 2-story, 1 bedroom guest house, a pool, and pool house… for 4 people (1,000 square feet with living area, kitchen, bathroom, complete with covered patio overlooking a large heated pool) — in addition to owning a somewhat “smaller,” though equally palatial, $2.9 million mansion in Houston’s elite Tanglewood neighborhood where the wealthy, well-connected, and well-to-do reside.

Fleets of luxuriously exotic hand-crafted boutique automobiles… equine barns replete with the trappings of immense wealth… herds of cattle fed an exquisitely bizarre diet comprised exclusively of macadamia nuts… custom-crafted air-conditioned dog houses with marble floors… private airports and hangars to house a fleet of private jets… those are but a few of the trappings of wealth enjoyed by billionaire Americans and teevee preachers, most all of whom pay NO INCOME TAX.

An infamous event in Houston, TX — Hurricane Harvey in 2017 — exposed their hypocrisy by denying refuge from the ravages of the storm to area residents rendered homeless by it. For that, they, and others like them, are rewarded with preferential tax treatment by the United States Government, most often as massive reduction, or outright elimination of any tax liability or responsibility, and certainly, no public accountability for their actions… or, more often, the lack thereof.

If religious do-gooders are not going to do good with their worldly material goods, they should be taxed, and the monies collected put to public relief.

People say they’re leaving religion due to anti-LGBTQ teachings and sexual abuse

March 27, 2024 5:00 AM ET
Heard on Morning Edition
by Jason DeRose at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C. (photo by Allison Shelley)


People in the U.S. are leaving and switching faith traditions in large numbers. The idea of “religious churning” is very common in America, according to a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI).

It finds that around one-quarter (26%) of Americans now identify as religiously unaffiliated, a number that has risen over the last decade and is now the largest single religious group in the U.S. That’s similar to what other surveys and polls have also found, including Pew Research.

PRRI found that the number of those who describe themselves as “nothing in particular” has held steady since 2013, but those who identify as atheists have doubled (from 2% to 4%) and those who say they’re agnostic has more than doubled (from 2% to 5%).

This study looked at which faith traditions those unaffiliated people are coming from.

Dr. Melissa Deckman, PhD, PRRI’s Chief Executive Officer, said that Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Did they REALLY say that?, - Faith, Religion, Goodness - What is the Soul of a man?, - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News, End Of The Road | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

BREAKING! Donald Trump is a STONE COLD LIAR! (As are his crime family members.)

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, March 25, 2024

No news there, eh?

And NewsWeek isn’t the only one, either.



Fox News Fact-Checks Donald Trump’s Bond Claim: “Actually Not True”

By Rachel Dobkin
Published Mar 24, 2024 at 3:42 PM EDT
Updated Mar 25, 2024 at 6:21 AM EDT

During a Sunday interview with former Federal prosecutor Alex Little on Fox News Live, host Eric Shawn said, “We’ve also heard there’s a lot of talk about ‘this is unprecedented amount of money… this has never happened before.’ But that’s actually not true. This is from Letitia James, the Attorney General’s own court papers — I’m gonna show it to you right now.”

An on-screen chart graphic then appeared listing court cases with bonds at or over $1 billion, including:
• Sony Music Entertainment v. Cox Communications — $1.2 billion;
• Apple v. Samsung Electronics — $1 billion;
• Oracle USA v. SAP AG — $1.3 billion, and;
• Carnegie Mellon University v. Marvell Technology Group — $1.5 billion.

In February, New York State Supreme Court Justice Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Donald Trump to pay a $355 million bond by Monday, 25 March 2024, plus daily interest — which grand total is now $454 million —  and barred him from doing business in New York for 3 years.

Trump and his crime family members have falsely claimed that the bond amount is “unprecedented.”

Obviously, it is not.

Eric Shawn, host of Fox News

In a September 2023 lawsuit brought by New York State Attorney General Letitia James’ office, Trump was found liable for financial fraud. Trump has claimed that he has done nothing wrong and that the case is politically motivated, and has appealed Judge Engoron’s ruling against him.

Trump was given until Monday to come up with a $454 million bond in order to prevent NY State Attorney General James from seizing his assets in order to pay Judge Engoron’s judgment.

Trump has repeatedly criticized the ruling and disparaged Judge Engoron and Attorney General James, on his social media platform Truth Social. In a post last Monday, Trump wrote, Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Business... None of yours, - Did they REALLY say that?, - Even MORE Uncategorized!, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News, WTF | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Life After Death

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, March 25, 2024

Life After Death

by Laura Crafton Gilpin (1950-2007)
Award-winning American poet, Registered Nurse, advocate of patient-centered care in hospital reform, died of glioblastoma, an incurable brain cancer, in Fairhope, AL

The things I know:
how the living go on living
and how the dead go on living with them

So that in a forest
even a Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Did they REALLY say that?, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, End Of The Road | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Love in Her Final Moments

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, March 25, 2024

I have a hangover that began onset in earnest Saturday.

“Hangovers hurt more than they used to,” goes a line from the 1981 Hank Williams, Jr. song “All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down).” I can attest to the truth of that statement.

While alcohol-induced hangovers typically fully resolve within 24 hours, and often less, I’m uncertain how long mine will take before resolving. And right now, it hurts rather badly.

I was awakened around 0200 Saturday morning, having retired for the evening Friday around 2000, or 2100, and was sleeping soundly with Queenie by my side until an arm and hand silently reached out from the darkness, touched my shoulder and startled me. I don’t surprise easily, and typically am not the type that watches scary movies for the simple reason that they’re unbelievable. At least to me, they are.

But I awoke with a start and cried out as I was jostled from a deep, sound sleep. No noise, just a quiet nudging.

It was Geoff.

“It’s Gerri,” he said, to which I replied, “I’ll be right down,” got out of bed, quickly pulled my blue jeans on, and headed downstairs in my stocking feet.

He’d been siting up with Gellibean as she lay dying in her bed downstairs.

“I’ll be back in just a little bit,” I said turning to Queenie, my service animal, as she lay in bed, apparently still groggy as I. Her big brown eyes and gentle disposition told me that she would be fine with that. She understood me, I had no doubt, because she’d been trained so well.

You see, I know her trainer personally, and brush his teeth every night.

As I slowly and carefully made my way downstairs, and walked around the corner toward her room, Geoff followed me.

Gerri lay quietly in bed — well, almost quietly — but in no obvious distress.

Geoff stood in the doorway to her room, as I stood at Gerri’s bedside observing her. As I walked out, he then turned to me and asked, Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - She blinded me with SCIENCE!, End Of The Road | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Quitters Parade: Kyrsten Sinema, Nikki Haley, Joe “Maserati” Manchin

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Wednesday, March 6, 2024

First, she quit the Democratic Party — just like Sarah Palin quit Alaska.

Now, she quit Arizona… and America.

Bad Little Doggie — this one’s for you, babe.

Come in with the sunrise, who knows where you go
Smellin’ like something, I don’t want to know
Your sister can’t save you, she don’t know what to do
Your bad behavior has finally caught up to you
Bad little doggie
Soul all tweeked out, life line thin
Loose little school girl, what a shape you’re in
Blue violence, red rosaries
Roots of evil growing into trees
I’m through messin’, time to learn your lesson
Bad little doggie
I’m through messin’, time to learn your lesson
Bad little doggie

Goodbye, and good riddance. Perhaps somebody on K Street will take you in. After all, that’s where politicians go after Congressional stints, isn’t it — to become lobbyists.

And, maybe, with any luck, Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Business... None of yours, - Did they REALLY say that?, - Even MORE Uncategorized!, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., WTF | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

What Has Been Will Be Again, Que Sera, Sera

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Come Tuesday, November 5, 2024, American voters coast-to-coast, north, south, east, west, and all points in between, including the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the United States Virgin Islands, will cast ballots for the candidate of their choice to be the next President of the United States (POTUS).

The incumbent 46th POTUS, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., a Democrat, will face the Republican party’s nominee, who, as events are shaping up, now appears it will most likely will be the former and 45th POTUS, Donald John Trump.

Often monikered as “POS45” (Piece Of Shit 45), the former POTUS has practically single-handedly created a radicalized “MAGA” movement (Make America Great Again) within the Republican party consisting of often disaffected, mostly White, primarily rural voters which has taken hold in Deep South, formerly Confederate/slave states, some Rust Belt states, and others where voters over age 65 comprise the single largest segment of his supporters, including those of whom he said in Nevada 2016 after winning the Silver State’s Republican caucus, “I love the poorly educated!” In context, he said, “We won the evangelicals. We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated!,” while USA Today wrote, “Trump did well across the board in Nevada, garnering 45.9% of the vote, but he did even better among voters with a high school education or less. Fifty-seven percent of those voters supported him, according to entrance polls.”

Rarely-to-never in the history of our nation have partisans ever cast ballots for the candidate of the opposite party, that is, Republicans voting for Democrats, but POS45 has motivated many of those of sound mind to do so, leaving the obsequious, toady, and sycophants to their object of worship. But a rehash is a rehash, and 2024 is a rehash of 2020. And in 2020, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. defeated Donald John Trump.

The San Francisco Call began life on December 1, 1856, as the Daily Morning Call. Staunchly Republican in political outlook, the Call was popular with the working classes, and it was the city’s leading morning newspaper for several decades. By the summer of 1864, the Call was boasting the highest daily circulation in the city, and its readership continued to rise, going from 10,750 in 1865 to 41,066 in 1880. In 1884 it boasted a circulation double that of any other daily. Originally a four page daily, the Call also put out a weekly, published on Tuesdays, and a Sunday edition. One of the paper’s early writers was Mark Twain, who served as Nevada correspondent in 1863 and as reporter after he moved to San Francisco the following year. In just over four months as full time beat reporter, Twain produced some 200 articles on crime and the courts, theater and the opera, and politics.
Vol. 77, no. 85 (Mar. 5, 1895)-v. 115, no. 7 (Dec. 8, 1913).

And yet, polls are wishy-washy things, ever fluctuating according to which way the wind blows, and are neither stable, consistent, nor reliable. And with the miserably miasmatic state of affairs in news-gathering/reporting/news-telling/journalism/media these days, we have re-entered the era of so-called “Yellow Journalism,” which is today monikered as “click bait” online, because in broadcast media (radio & television) it’s all about “eyes on the set” which directly relates to the entity’s income gathering ability, insofar as it is tied directly to their advertising rates. More viewers/listeners=more money per spot/ad. Cynical, perhaps, but it’s just that simple.

While one looks to the past to predict the future — something which the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and others say should Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Even MORE Uncategorized!, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News, - Uncategorized II | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Alabama’s Religious “Embryos are Children” Supreme Court Decision

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Alabama Supreme Court’s
“Embryos Are Children” ruling
quotes numerous religious texts.

Alabama’s Republican mullahs of madness go off the rails.

State’s crazy train takes a dirt road.

Supreme Court Jesters aren’t joking.

It’s telling.

But, we would expect nothing less than full-on crazy from the Pig Sty State.

Mad Republican mullahs are handing down the law, instead of staid, sober jurists.

That’s a sure-fire way to earn an automatic appeal to the Federal appellate court.


In the recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen fertilized eggs, aka embryos, are “children” — the combined cases of LePage & Fonde v. Center for Reproductive Medicine & Mobile Infirmary, and Aysenne v. Center for Reproductive Medicine & Mobile Infirmary — the word “God,” or its derivatives, i.e., “godliness,” etc., are mentioned 41 times.

The ruling may be found linked above.

Following is a word count of some frequently-mentioned words in that ruling: Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Did they REALLY say that?, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News, WTF | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Who Would God Kill?

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, February 26, 2024

For the answer to that question — Who would God kill? — let’s turn to Genesis chapter 38.

We’ll use the New International Version (NIV).

Genesis 38:
8Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.

Those krazee Jews!

Let’s put a modern touch to that passage.

GOD: Go fuck your widowed sister-in-law, and impregnate her.

Man: Okay.
(fucks widowed sister-in-law)

God: You didn’t cum inside her!

Man: How’d you know?

God: I’m a voyeur. And now, I’m gonna’ kill you.

Don’t you long for the good old days?

For those who claim to be Xian, or otherwise religious, such “modernizing” of that passage may rile them up. Although, I don’t know why. It’s the Bible. It’s just simply put into modern terms.

Let’s examine that passage line by line.

Verse 8 states: Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.”

We all know that the term “sleep with” is a euphemism for “have sex with.” So, in other words, to fuck.

And when, in the modern rephrasing, it says God, as indicating the one whom was speaking, that is actually a command found in Deuteronomy 25:5, which states:

If brothers are living together and one of them dies without a son, his widow must not marry outside the family. Her husband’s brother shall take her and marry her and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to her.

A little bit of background almost always aids our understanding, so we’ll turn to an expert for some background in this instance.

Deuteronomy is the “new and improved second edition” of God’s law, the 5th book of the Torah, which is the holy writ for Jews and is collectively called the “Books of Moses,” which in Christendom, in their holy writ called the “Bible,” are called the Pentateuch, the Greek prefix “penta” meaning 5, and “teukhos,” meaning to implement, a vessel, or scroll case; in other words, a book. The Greek translation of the Torah/Pentateuch, is called the Septuagint, hence the use of the Greek prefix and name Pentateuch. The books, in order, are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Dr. Thomas B. Dozeman, PhD, Professor of Old Testament, United Theological Seminary, writing in Oxford Research Encyclopedia and Oxford Bibliographies, stated that the book of Deuteronomy “repeats the revelation of law to the second generation [of Israelites] on the plains of Moab (Deuteronomy). The authorship of the Pentateuch is central to its interpretation in Jewish and Christian tradition. The Mosaic authorship characterized the interpretation of the Pentateuch Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Even MORE Uncategorized!, - Faith, Religion, Goodness - What is the Soul of a man?, - Lost In Space: TOTALLY Discombobulated, - Uncategorized, WTF | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

The Word Of The Day is…

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Saturday, February 24, 2024

As I was reading a daily devotional, I came across a word which I had never before seen.

I write like that sometimes — placing the preposition before the verb. Although, I sometimes also do the inverse, i.e., “never seen before,” because that’s how most Americans talk. Or, speak. Or, communicate. Or, write.

But in Engrish, we have homonyms — words that sound the same, but are spelled differently, and have different meanings; synonyms — words that describe things that religion says are bad; and in the the South, Mama’nems. Her sister would be your antonym.

But, as I started… as I was reading a daily devotional, I came across a word which I had never before seen.

So, I thrust my hand into the Read the rest of this entry »

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A Quick Houthis–Hamas Primer

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, February 19, 2024

Watch the video at the following Twitter-X address.

It’s of… well, you’ll see.


NOTE: The Twitter-X post linked above, which depicts an obviously-edited (cropped) ocean-going vessel sinking, was deliberately falsely identified as a British vessel in the Red Sea, and the person posting the Tweet deliberately falsely claimed that Houthis sank it.

The post read as follows:
“Documentation of the British ship sinking after being hit and attacked by Yemenis earlier today.
The crew abandoned the ship before it sank

Yemen 🇾🇪 💪🏼
2:25 PM · Feb 19, 2024″


The vessel depicted in the Tweet is MV Stellar Banner, a very large ore carrier (VLOC), which was deliberately scuttled off the Brazilian coast three months after she ran aground, having been filled with iron ore, approximately 145,000 tons of which was successfully removed by salvors, to allow the vessel to refloat, and assess the ship’s structure, which was deemed a total loss, and therefore, a decision was made to scuttle her. The MV Stellar Banner was owned and operated by Polaris shipping of South Korea, was chartered to Vale, a Brazilian mining giant, to transport iron ore from Brazil to China. The Stellar Banner was registered in the Marshall Islands, was damaged after departing a Vale loading terminal in Maranhão, Brazil, and ran aground approximately 100km from the coast of São Luís on February 24, 2020. The vessel was carrying 306,000 tons of iron ore and headed for Qingdao, China.

Video of the scuttling of the MV Stellar Banner may be found on YouTube, at:

We are pleased to expose the lie, and set the record straight. Ed.

Regardless of the deliberate falsity of the Twitter-X post, claiming that the dramatic sinking of the vessel Stellar Banner was a different vessel than the one WHICH WAS ATTACKED BY HOUTHIS — that one being the MV Rubymar — even though the Stellar Banner was deliberately falsely identified as a the Rubymar, the point is, that Houthis are actively engaged in piracy on the open seas, and are making attacks upon trade vessels.

It nevertheless remains true, what U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander, said to 60 Minutes host Norah O’Donnell last Sunday (2/17/24), about conflict with Houthis in the Red Sea, “I think you’d have to go back to World War II where you have ships who are engaged in combat. When I say engaged in combat, where they’re getting shot at, we’re getting shot at, and we’re shooting back.”

THAT is why our military is intervening in the Red Sea. To aid our friends… fellow NATO member nations.

Houthis (aka Ansar Allah, meaning Partisans of God) are the terrorist cartel in Yemen funding & arming Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

To be certain, NOT all Palestinians are Hamas, but all Hamas are Palestinian.

So what’s at the bottom of it all, what’s the root cause?

Disputes over sectarian Islamic religious doctrine.

Houthis are Shia Islamists, so named for the Houthi tribe in Yemen from which they come, and are predominantly Zaidi Shias. The Houthis originated “in the 1990s as a youth-orientated revivalist movement” that sought to defend Zaidi religious traditions, which is a sect of Shia Islam.

Zaidism is one of three sects of Shia Islam, and considered the most closely resembling the Sunni.

Shia Islam is the second-largest Islamic denomination.

Sunni Islam is the largest Islamic denomination, and practiced by about 85–90% of Muslims worldwide.

Differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims originated from a disagreement over who would succeed Muhammad after his death, and later Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Business... None of yours, - Even MORE Uncategorized!, - Faith, Religion, Goodness - What is the Soul of a man?, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., WTF | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Selected Outtakes from Judge Engoron’s Trump Crime Family Ruling

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, February 19, 2024

Fact: Most folks will not even bother to read the ruling (available from the official site here: https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/trump-decision.pdf), much less download it from any site, anywhere, and will simply swallow — hook, line, and sinker — whatever the talking heads they watch/listen to tell them, and whatever their favorite blathering pundits and prognosticators write on their websites, right, center, or left.

They do themselves, and the nation, a disservice to be so blithely insincere, and casually cavalier.

So here, for your pablum-puking pleasure, are selected outtakes, copied & pasted, of the most egregiously stunning highlights from Judge Engoron’s ruling in:


Trump Organization’s History of Corporate Malfeasance

“The frauds found here leap off the page and shock the conscience.”

“…this Court is mindful that this action is not the first time the Trump Organization or its related entities has been found to have engaged in corpora malfeasance.”

“…the more evidence there is of defendants’ ongoing propensity to engage in fraud, the more need there is for the Court to impose stricter injunctive relief. This is not defendants’ first rodeo.”

“Defendants’ refusal to admit error—indeed, to continue it, according to the Independent Monitor—constrains this Court to conclude that they will engage in it going forward unless judicially restrained.”

“…the Trump Organization does not have the ability to operate with a functional financial reporting structure that would protect against fraud in the future. The fact that there are virtually no internal controls in place at the Trump Organization, “creates an atmosphere conducive to fraud.”

“…the Trump Organization has refused to prepare SFCs, even though various loan covenants obligate them to do so, ever since the monitor was appointed, leads the Court to conclude that the Trump Organization cannot, or will not, prepare an accurate SFC that is GAAP compliant and that values assets at their estimated current values. That the Trump Organization has taken to manufacturing its own version of its assets, one that fails to include any valuations, is a telling admission that it simply cannot, or will not, prepare an SFC without committing fraud.”

“…Donald Trump testified that, even today, he does not believe the Trump Organization needed to make any changes based on the facts that came out during this trial.”

“… “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” Defendants apparently are of a different mind. After some four years of investigation and litigation, the only error (“inadvertent,” of course) that they acknowledge is the tripling of the size of the Trump Tower Penthouse, which cannot be gainsaid.”

“…defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways.”

“Their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological.”

“In August 2013, OAG sued Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, and affiliated entities doing business as “Trump University” for fraud in the marketing and operation of Read the rest of this entry »

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“Their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological.”

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, February 18, 2024

“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to the passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself.”

— excerpt from “The Brothers Karamazov,” by Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), published 1879-80, his final work, considered his masterpiece, and among the world’s finest examples of literature, in which the character Zosima speaks to Fyodor Pavlovich, found in Book II, Chapter 2. Many of Zosima’s remarks in that section are foundational in developing the main ideas in the book.

Friends, let me wholeheartedly encourage you to read Judge Arthur F. Engoron’s decision in the Trump case in New York State. It’s straightforward, easy-to-understand, not filled with legal mumbo jumbo, arcane words, and often-bizarre machinations to reach a decision. (We often see that in SCOTUS cases.)

Judge Engoron writes in a concisely clear manner, lays out the case, what the charges are, why there wasn’t a jury trial (and the rules behind that, plus, neither party sought one), the rationale, the defenses used by the defendant (Trump, et al), why they fail, and so on, and so forth.

One needn’t be an attorney to understand it.

Here’s a sampling from page 2: Read the rest of this entry »

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Four Good News Items!

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Friday, February 16, 2024

This week, while filled with joyous victory celebrations, was marred by gun violence.

Specifically, the Kansas City Chiefs — which have now entered the rarified zone of victors with 2-consecutive Super Bowl victories (only 8 teams inclusive, have consecutive wins) — were feted with a parade in their home town when shots rang out, claiming one innocent bystander’s life, and injuring 22 others, ranging in age from 8-47 years, with authorities stating that least half those injured were under age 16.

Firearm violence is now the Number One Killer of children in America.

Killed was 43-year-old Lisa Lopez-Galvan, mother of two children, and local radio DJ for KKFI 90.1 FM known to listeners as “Lisa G who was attending the festivities with her husband and adult child.

Authorities have arrested at least two suspects, both juveniles, who remain unnamed, are being held in juvenile facilities, and anticipate other arrests to follow in the still-ongoing investigation. The gunfire tragedy was discovered to have been related to a dispute.

That’s the bad, sad news.

The GOOD NEWS is that entertainer Taylor Swift donated $100,000 to the late woman’s family to assist them during their time of need.

The sweet milk of human kindness flows freely from Taylor Swift, and it clearly shows by what she does.

Over 4100 donations to their Go Fund Me account have exceeded $320,000 of the $75,000 goal.

And, there’s yet more GOOD NEWS!

Renown musician/singer-songwriter Sir Paul McCartney, former member of The Beatles, has recovered his 1961 Höfner bass guitar, which had been stolen 50 years ago!

Sir Paul purchased the instrument that same year, remarked that one of the primary reasons he purchased it saying, Read the rest of this entry »

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Making America Great Again

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Friday, February 16, 2024

One way to “make America great again” is to:

1.) Stop the lies, and the lying liars who tell them, and;

2.) Stop the hypocrisy.

“Above all, do not lie to yourself.
A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others.
Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and having no love, he gives himself up to the passions and coarse pleasures, in order to occupy and amuse himself, and in his vices reaches complete bestiality, and it all comes from lying continually to others and to himself.”

— excerpt from “The Brothers Karamazov,” by Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), published 1879-80, his final work, considered his masterpiece, and among the world’s finest examples of literature, in which the character Zosima speaks to Fyodor Pavlovich, found in Book II, Chapter 2. Many of Zosima’s remarks in this section are foundational in developing the main ideas in the book.

Then-U.S. President Donald Trump responds to a question from a reporter during a discussion with business owners and their families in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, U.S., December 5, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque – RC1B3AFA5400

“The former President, who dodged the draft, who has mocked Gold Star families, who just recently mocked Nikki Haley, asking where Major Michael Haley, her (deployed) husband, was… the level of disconnect is staggering.”

—  Dr. Nadine Hubbs, PhD, Musicologist, and Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies & Music, Faculty Associate of American Culture, University of Michigan School of Music, says there’s immense irony, even hypocrisy, in Trump playing late country music artist Toby Keith’s pro-military song “Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American),” at MAGA rallies. She authored the 2014 award-winning book “Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music,” and focuses upon popular and classical music of the twentieth century to the present, including Leonard Bernstein and the Copland-Thomson circle, 1970s disco, Morrissey, Radiohead, Bruce Springsteen, and postwar country music artists including Dolly Parton, Gretchen Wilson, and David Allan Coe. Toby Keith’s politics were complicated having praised Republicans and Democrats. Further, he also criticized Trump and played at a Trump inauguration celebration.


June 2023 Grand Jury

No. 2:24-cr-00091-ODW
[18 U.S.C. § 1001: false
statement; 18 U.S.C. § 1519:
creating a false and fictitious


The Grand Jury charges: Read the rest of this entry »

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The Killing God

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, February 12, 2024

“God is in control.”

Joel Osteen, owner of Lakewood Church in Houston, TX, smiles and laughs at a press conference immediately following a deadly shooting at the church he owns on Super Bowl Sunday, 2024.

Those were the famous last words of Joel Osteen following a shooting at his Houston, TX Lakewood Church on Super Bowl Sunday, February 11, 2024 around 1400 local time.

God killed another one.

“It could’ve been a lot worse. Of course we’re devastated. We have been here 65 years and had somebody shooting in our church. We don’t understand why these things happen, but we know God is in control.”

— remarks by Joel Osteen at a press conference on Super Bowl Sunday evening 2024 following a deadly shooting at Lakewood Church, the church he owns, having inherited it from his father, in Houston, TX

Obviously, god wanted them dead.

Chief of the German Police and Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler with his daughter Gudrun Burwitz on his lap watch an indoor sports display in Berlin, on March 6, 1938. Himmler was the major “architect” of the Holocaust, and the second highest ranking Nazi official after Hitler. This is an example of visual propaganda.
Ms. Burwitz died aged 88, in or near Munich, Germany on May 24, 2018, and was a lifelong stalwart Holocaust denier. She was Himmler’s oldest child, only legitimate daughter, and exceptionally devoted to her father. Himmler and his wife later adopted a son, and had two other children with his mistress.
When aged 12, Gudrun accompanied her father to the Dachau concentration camp, the site of gruesomely horrific so-called “medical experiments” and the execution of tens of thousands of people by the Nazis.
In her diary, which was later captured by Allied forces, she wrote of the experience: “Today we went to the SS concentration camp at Dachau. We saw everything we could. We saw the gardening work. We saw the pear trees. We saw all the pictures painted by the prisoners. Marvelous. And afterward we had a lot to eat. It was very nice.”

I have written previously about that very topic, with the exact same title/headline — God Wanted Them Dead — when the private Cessna C501 Citation jet owned by Nashville, TN-area Christian cult leader Gwen Shamblin Lara and her husband Joe Lara, crashed into Percy Priest Lake near and southeast of Nashville, just after takeoff on Saturday, May 29, 2021.

It’s painfully obvious: The Jewish cum-Christian god is an unrepentant, maliciously blood-thirsty killer… and always has been.

One only need to read the Bible.

From beginning to end, it’s replete with deaths, murders, assassinations, genocides, suicides, homicides, fratricides, patricides, matricides, and killings of every description and type galore, each one seemingly bloodier, gorier and more grotesque than the next, all of which were ordered, or performed by “God.”

And that’s just the killing.

There are Read the rest of this entry »

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Nikki Haley Defeats Trump In Nevada GOP Presidential Preference Primary

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Voters Dissatisfied

Party in Disarray

Never Trump Republicans sent a clear message.

The only question remaining is, “How badly will Republicans lose nationwide in November?”

Trump Chose to Lose

Loser Fairy dumped boatloads of Loser Dust on Federally-indicted convicted sex abuser Florida Loser-Man.

Nikki Haley Defeats Trump in Nevada’s GOP Primary/Caucus

Former President CHOSE to became a Loser by Default by failing to participate in NV’s Presidential Preference Primary/caucus.

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations cum-South Carolina Governess Nikki Haley defeated GOP rival Donald Trump in the Silver State’s GOP Presidential Preference Primary/Caucus Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

Then-former South Carolina Governor, later Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley waves to attendees and delegates at the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

She is now the former President’s only competitor in the race to become the party’s nominee for President; all other contenders — Vivek Ramaswamy, former VP Mike Pence, SC Senator Tim Scott, FL Governor Ron DeSantis, former NJ Governor Chris Christie, former DEA Administrator/AR Governor Asa Hutchinson, and a spattering of others — all dropped out around the time of the NH primaries, or very shortly thereafter.

Notably, Nevada GOP primary/caucus voters also failed to write-in the former President’s name. Some critics have noted an unjustified sense of overconfidence betrayed him, mistakenly thinking that he would somehow magically win, even though he chose not to campaign in the state, and failed to initiate a write-in campaign.

In stark contrast, President Joe Biden, who is campaigning for re-election, did not appear on New Hampshire’s ballot, but won that state’s Democratic primary when voters wrote in his name, with 63.8% of all 123,996 votes cast.

Like Silver State Republicans, Granite State Republicans were not thrilled by their choices, and Read the rest of this entry »

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How Difficult, or Easy-to-Make, is a Bowl of Hot, Fresh, Homemade Tomato Soup?

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Thursday, February 1, 2024

Few things can beat the heartwarming, soul-soothing feeling that a hot bowl of fresh, homemade Tomato Soup provides! It’s a first-class comfort food, to be certain.
It’s quick, easy-to-make, and considered a delightful culinary cornerstone.

How difficult, or easy, do you want it to be?

Sometimes, the seemingly easy things are difficult, and the difficult things are easy. And those seemingly easy things take years to master, and perfect.

So it is with Tomato Soup.

The once-fabled “Gray Lady,” aka The New York Times, has been around a while — quite some time. Since 1851, as a matter of fact. But, I assure you, tomato soup, in one form, or another, has most likely been around much longer, even though published recipes for Tomato Soup and variants, are known to 1857 and 1872, while tomato-based ketchup has a history to circa 1812. Up until around 1880 with the invention of pizza in Naples, Italy, Europeans thought the tomato was poisonous, since it is a member of the deadly nightshade family of plants… as are potatoes, eggplant, and peppers.

But, the NYT was once respected. Plagiarism was unheard of there until the 2000s.

Same thing for their recipes — once-respected.

I mean, only the NYT would put GREEN PEAS in guacamole. No kidding.


The mere thought of it is so utterly detestable, that I refuse to link any semblance of it. You’ll have to do that. Merely telling you, and others, should be enough warning. A word to the wise is sufficient.

And that’s but one MAJOR reason why I no longer read their recipes. They’re whacked out. And to add insult to injury, they expect you to pay them for the privilege of reading any of it… including the miserable recipes.

But, believe it, or else, curiosity got the best of me and I perused a tomato soup recipe at the site.

Yeah… yeah… yeah… I know. Curiosity killed the cat — right?

Fortunately, I’m not a cat. Nor do I play one on Broadway… or teevee.

I’ve known how to make tomato soup with numerous variations for quite some time. It’s dead simple to make. And quick! And one way I’ve done it, and to some extent, still do, is to use tomato paste. Just thin to the desired consistency, add the desired seasonings, and VIOLA!

But I was curious to know what else I could do, what other ingredients I could add, to really make that red stuff SHINE! And that was my motivation. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Taylor Swift Economy

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Tomorrow (February 1) is the first day of Black History Month. BHM is also the 3-letter FAA designation for Birmingham, AL, sometimes also formerly known as “Bombingham.”

Tomorrow is also Dark Chocolate Day — no kidding.

For those who say “there’s no such thing as ‘white chocolate,’” there really is. It just has none of the brown solids that give chocolate its characteristic appearance. Kinda’ like the absence of melanin in humans, which gives our skin, hair and eyes, color. Without it, we’d all be white as a sheet. That condition is called albinism.

And, tomorrow is also Decorating with Candy Day. That should be fun! Especially with Peppermint Patty, Tootsie Roll, Mary Jane, Hershey’s Kiss, Almond Joy, and Bit-O-Honey!

And, to top it all off, tomorrow is also Read the rest of this entry »

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Can You Feel Me Now?

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, January 29, 2024

Feelings, whoa, oh, oh, feelings
Whoa, oh, oh, feel it
Whoa, oh, again
— from the 1974 song “Feelings” popularized by Morris Albert

Louis Gasté (1908-1995), a French composer, in 1988 sued Morris Albert (b.1951) claiming that the song “Feelings” was plagiarized from his 1957 song “Pour Toi.” (French, meaning “For You”) He won the case and is now listed as co-creator.

Touchy-Feely vs Facts & Science

Very nearly 1000 books on a 16-page list could possibly, “contain material that might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex… whether consciously or unconsciously.”

When I read that passage quoted above — which was directly related to a recent news item about political officials banning books in public schools, and which was excerpted from a very high level government official’s letter — it struck me as being THE VERY THING that We The People had been warned about some time ago, that so-called touchy-feely nonsense, instead of genuinely thoughtful, even provocative civil discourse, would replace and substitute for education efforts, that an inordinate concern and worry for students’ FEELINGS — not facts — would lead to a substantial decline in the quality of education.

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 1933, page 1

And do you know who was saying that?

Not teachers, not educators, not education experts, not parents, but Read the rest of this entry »

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Yes, the Church continues controlling people through their sex lives.

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, January 28, 2024

If you know someone with a clitoris, you should read this.

excerpted from:

My life with Shere Hite: The forgotten feminist who changed sex for ever

photo caption:  Shere Hite in 1997. Photograph: Ullstein Bild/Getty Images

When her books about women, men and the clitoris caused outrage, the bestselling writer was forced to flee the US. She ended up in my small ex-council flat in London – her head still full of revolution.

by Joanna Briscoe, Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024 05.00 GMT

Shere Hite was a legend of her time who landed in my small ex-council flat when I was in my 20s. She was two decades older and seemed to me to be an extraordinary, exotic creature transmuted from celluloid into strange reality in my home. To those over 50, Hite – a pivotal figure in the second wave feminist movement – was a much-photographed writer and sexologist: A mix between Germaine Greer and a movie star. To those younger, the name draws a blank. Hence the title of Nicole Newnham’s superb new documentary, The Disappearance of Shere Hite (https://www.bfi.org.uk/sight-and-sound/reviews/disappearance-shere-hite-documentary-feminist-sexologist-stylish-dynamic-its-subject#:~:text=You’re%20likely%20familiar%20with,selling%20book%20of%20all%20time.).

I had known about this feminist author from my mother’s bookshelf when I was a child, read about her in Cosmopolitan as a teenager and was quite fascinated by the idea of her by the time I was 25 and went to interview her.
Born in Missouri in 1942, she published The Hite Report in 1976, which has sold more than 50m copies and is by some estimates the 30th bestselling book of all time. It was a landmark that brought her wealth and fame and upended the dialogue on female sexuality, most notably by proving that most women orgasmed through clitoral stimulation rather than penetration. Her later surprising findings about male insecurity in The Hite Report on Male Sexuality (1981), and female marital dissatisfaction in Women & Love: A Cultural Revolution in Progress (1987), were anathema to the increasing conservatism of the US in the 1980s. The backlash against her and her work was so extreme that eventually she renounced her American citizenship.

By the time I got to know her in 1990, she was in trouble. She had been the victim of vicious media attacks, doorstepping, public humiliation and death threats, all of which contributed to the loss of her American publishers and of her ability to make a living. Her findings on sex – now widely accepted – caused outrage, and her appearance was used by critics to detract from the seriousness of her work at a time when there were rigid expectations of what a feminist firebrand should look like. She could also be difficult, it has to be said. Most notoriously, she apparently attacked a limo driver who had called her “dear”.



Note the line “She had been the victim of vicious media attacks, doorstepping, public humiliation and death threats, all of which contributed to the loss of her American publishers and of her ability to make a living.”

This news item is brand new — published January 24, 2024 — and supports 100% what Read the rest of this entry »

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Trump Wins 2024 – What could it look like?

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, January 28, 2024

Like it, or not, politics often thrives on fear — for the Republicans, especially, and particularly — but truth be told, the Democrats do their fair share of fear-mongering, as well, just not to the extent that GOPers do it. There are a variety of tricks — yes, tricks — that both party’s politicians do to ingratiate themselves to the electorate, and fear-baiting is but one.

And whether, or not, one considers the following fear-baiting, is up to the reader to decide.

But suffice it to say, rarely in the history of American politics has there ever been a time in which Democrats and so many Republicans have coalesced against a candidate, presumptive, or not, of their own party. The former, 45th POTUS is that man.

Many have said that, he is a danger to this nation, to its founding principles, and to liberty itself. The list goes on, and on, and on, and on.

There are numerous reasons why I count myself in that camp, though none of them are based upon fear, and rather, are based upon what he did during his term in office. Never before in the history of our nation has one man attempted to overthrow it. Never before in the history of our nation has any man (or woman) elected to the highest office in the land had utterly ZERO experience in elected office, public or military service, or volunteer service in any capacity, in any organization, whatsoever. And try as one might, there is little-to-nothing good which can be said about him.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them. That man has not only done so, but demonstrated as much. And based upon what he has done, and what he has said, it seems evident enough that he could do, and quite possibly would do, many, most, or worse, even all of the following.

Hey, I “get it,” which is to say that, I understand why and what it is that people see in that man. They like his bull-in-a-china-shop style, his take-no-prisoners approach, his my-way-or-the-highway manner, his bluff, bluster and false bravado, and they believe every word that drips from his lips, as if he were some type of prophet, some type of übermensch, or super-man, as Nietzsche called his concocted idyllic mythical character. It is all interpreted by his followers as “strength,” and “resolve.”

Yet… it is anything but.


These words are worth remembering, and repeating, as you cast your ballot in November:

“This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.”

— Opening paragraph of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 1st Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933

NOTE: The following is a hypothetical scenario, HOWEVER….

[Every incident mentioned in this article is based on an actual statement or action by Donald Trump, the people closely surrounding him, or something Trump has praised about his role model Victor Orbán.]

It was a hell of a year, 2025: the first year of the First Reich (as those formerly called Democrats referred to it) or The New America as the GOP now refers to our nation. One people, one nation, one leader: America, President-for-life Trump tells us, is now “truly great.”

It started with the election of November 2024, when the No Labels candidacy of Larry Hogan and Joe Manchin pulled enough electoral votes away from Biden — who was more than 10 million popular votes ahead of Trump — that none of the three tickets hit the necessary 270 Electoral College votes to win the White House.

It was a scenario similar to 1824 when John Quincy Adams lost the popular vote to Andrew Jackson but, because William Crawford and Henry Clay were also running for president, neither Adams or Jackson hit the threshold with the Electoral College and the vote went to the House of Representatives, which made Adams president in a series of backroom deals known to historians as the “Corrupt Bargain.”

In a similar way, the election of 2024 was thrown into the House of Representatives, per the 12th Amendment, with each state having one single vote. Since 26 states had Republican-controlled congressional delegations and only 23 had Democratic-controlled delegations (Pennsylvania is evenly split), the House voted 26-24 for Donald Trump to become the next president. He didn’t even need to threaten his vice president or invoke a mob.

At his swearing-in, Trump announced that he was going to fulfill his “dictator for a day” promise and pardoned himself, all Republicans who were in Congress in January 2021 and helped organize or support the attack on the Capitol, and all the January 6th seditionists.

He then announced that the 24 Democrats leading their congressional delegations who’d voted against him in the House were “guilty of sedition against the United States.”  As he spoke, each was arrested and taken into custody.

The arrests, particularly of Read the rest of this entry »

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Oh, good grief! Honey, call the exterminator. Pest Donald Watkins is back.

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Saturday, January 27, 2024

Donald V. Watkins, Sr., then a licensed attorney, gestures in Federal court in closing arguments representing himself in USA v. Donald Watkins, Jr., et al.

Donald V. Watkins, Sr. is a never-ending source of entertainment.

Readers will recall that Mr. Watkins, a formerly-respected attorney, was convicted by a jury of his peers on several Federal charges.

“Donald Watkins, Sr. was convicted of seven counts of wire fraud, two counts of bank fraud and one count of conspiracy.
Donald Watkins, Jr. was convicted of one count of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy.”

Press Release
U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Alabama
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

“Donald Watkins Sr., 70, of Atlanta, Georgia, and Donald Watkins Jr., 47, of Birmingham, Alabama, were sentenced by U.S. District Judge Karon O. Bowdre of the Northern District of Alabama. Judge Bowdre also ordered Donald Watkins Sr. to serve five years of supervised release and to pay restitution in the amount of $14,000,100.00 and ordered Donald Watkins Jr. to serve three years of supervised release and to pay restitution jointly with his father in the amount of $13,850,000.

“The father and son co-defendants were convicted on March 8, 2019, following a jury trial that lasted over two weeks. Donald Watkins Sr. was convicted of seven counts of wire fraud, two counts of bank fraud and one count of conspiracy. Donald Watkins Jr. was convicted of one count of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy.

“According to evidence presented at trial, between approximately 2007 and 2013, Donald Watkins Sr. sold “economic participations” and promissory notes connected with Masada Resource Group, a company that he ran as manager and CEO. Investors paid more than $10 million dollars after Donald Watkins Sr. and Donald Watkins Jr. falsely represented that the money would be used to grow Masada, which Donald Watkins Sr. described as a “pre-revenue” company that supposedly had technology that could convert garbage into ethanol. Instead of investing the money into Masada, however, Donald Watkins Sr. and Donald Watkins Jr. diverted funds to pay personal bills and the debts of their other business ventures, the evidence showed. Victim money was used to pay for Donald Watkins Sr.’s alimony, hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes, personal loan payments, a private jet and clothing purchased by Donald Watkins Jr. and his wife. Emails introduced at trial also showed that Donald Watkins Sr. and Donald Watkins Jr. planned to obtain millions of dollars for these purposes from one victim on multiple occasions, when they knew that this victim and other victims trusted them to put their money to use in growing Masada.

“Donald Watkins Sr. also was convicted of defrauding Alamerica Bank, an entity in which Donald Watkins Sr. held a controlling interest through his ownership of Alamerica Bank Corp stock, the evidence showed. In order to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in litigation expenses associated with another one of Donald Watkins Sr.’s business ventures, Donald Watkins Sr. executed a plan to use a straw borrower to take out money from Alamerica Bank and use those funds to pay the defendant’s litigation expenses. This straw borrower—Donald Watkins Sr.’s long-time mentor and a prominent figure in the Birmingham community—took over $900,000 in loans from Alamerica Bank and then immediately permitted Donald Watkins Sr. to use those funds for his personal benefit, the evidence showed.”

To be certain, Mr. Watkins has some very respectable accomplishments, notable among them, he Read the rest of this entry »

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Are Electric Vehicles all they’re cracked up to be?

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Saturday, January 27, 2024

Rethinking Electric Vehicles

This voice in the quote below, that of Toyota Motor Corporation’s Chairman of the Board, Aiko Toyoda, and the message which is the heart and central idea of the communique, is something that is rarely, if ever, given voice in the mass media. And yet, that mere fact does not make what he said any less true. If anything, it emphasizes the importance of what he says, the underlying matter, and the necessity to remedy the problem. And that problem is NOT ‘global warming’ but a failure by putting the cart before the horse, e.g., making EVs without an electrical infrastructure to support them.


“BEVs [battery electric vehicles] and FCEVs [fuel cell electric vehicles] come as a set with [economic] infrastructure. However, one billion people around the world live in areas without electricity. In the case of Toyota, we also supply vehicles to these regions, so Read the rest of this entry »

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Racism in America, starring Nikki Haley and Tim Scott

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, January 22, 2024

Nikki Haley recently said,

“We had plenty of racism that we had to deal with, but…”
“We’re not a racist country, Brian.”
“We’ve never been a racist country.”
“I know, I faced racism when I was growing up.”

Tim Scott recently said,

“America is not a racist country.”
“No, America is not racist.”

How should those statements be interpreted?

That America was not

The Three Fifths Compromise, numerous Indian Wars, Trail of Tears, Civil War, Jim Crow laws, suffrage for women, and the still-ongoing struggle for equal Civil Rights resonate so very loudly from their myriad volumes over the years that it practically drowns out all claims otherwise.

Germany wasn’t founded upon Nazism, and yet, Adolph Hitler rose to power, and started World War II.

We know how that ended.

And then, when she was in a GOP campaign town hall event in North Conway, New Hampshire, an attendee asked her, “What was the cause of the United States civil war?”

Haley paused momentarily, huffed and puffed, and said in an irritated manner and tone, “Well, don’t come with an easy question.”

Nikki Haley waves to RNC attendees

She then paused, and continued, saying “I think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was going to run, the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

Even with the most casual and cursory observation, one can plainly see that, when Nikki Haley speaks about herself, and her experiences with discrimination as a brown-skinned woman in the United States, a child of Sikh Indian émigrés, and the discrimination she faced, then has the unmitigated audacity and gall to say some of the preposterously absurd, and blatantly wrong things that she has, she does so with a forked tongue, from both sides of her mouth.

Is she a “good” woman? Ethical, honest, fair, and just?

Most likely, yes. But there’s another problem to factor into that calculus, one now common in the Formerly-Grand Old Party.

It’s certainly understandable that such ignominies in our nation’s history would like to be forgotten by some, which is exactly why Florida MAGAt Man in Chief Ron DeSantis and his henchmen in the State of Florida’s MAGAt-infested legislature are doing everything they possibly can to Read the rest of this entry »

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Trailer Trash Girls

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Wednesday, January 10, 2024

You may be able to take the girl out of the trailer park…

But, you can never take the trailer park out of the girl.

U.S. Representative
Lauren Boebert, R-CO3

The voters in CO’s CD3 have had their 2-term-2-years-long fling, which began by electing the cunt from Rifle.

Now that she’s single again…


And did you know that Read the rest of this entry »

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Beat Your Chicken Meat: Why & How

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, January 1, 2024

No animals were harmed in the production of this entry.
However, a few did sacrifice their lives in order to make it happen.
A huge shout-out to the pig –and– to the chicken.

For all you do, this recipe’s for you!

CAUTION: Images of dead animal parts follow.
Only the hungry should view.

Today is New Year’s Day.

Woo hoo! One more time to get it right. One more trip around the sun.

We’ll see what happens.

In the mean time…

I forgot to pop the bubbly last night.

It wasn’t French… neither was it Spanish, but rather, was Italian — a lovely, inexpensive Prosecco (DOC), a sparkling, extra dry, 2022 vintage, from Bardolino, located along the eastern coast of Lake Garda (Italy’s largest lake), in the province of Verona, in the very north-north-central portion of Italy, directly northwest of Verona.

Slices of chicken cordon bleu, christened with a Dijon béchamel sauce (butter, cream, milk, flour, garlic powder, Dijon mustard, Parmigiano Reggiano). Background, whole wheat crackers with Fromager d’Affinois, a cow’s milk French double-cream soft cheese.

Again, it rests in the refrigerator, unopened.

And the traditional Southern New Year’s fare of greens (mustard/turnip/collard) cooked with smoked hog jowl/ham hock/smoked turkey neck, onion/garlic, its pot-likker combined with the buttermilk cracklin’ cornbread, and black-eyed peas, with green onions… was absent.

Instead, Chicken Cordon Bleu was on the menu.

The term “cordon bleu” translates from French literally as “rope blue,” though long figuratively interpreted as blue ribbon, is a flattened, often rolled, seasoned chicken breast with a slice of ham & melted cheese in the middle, coated in fine breadcrumbs, sautéed, then baked. It is served with a Dijon mustard-based cream & butter sauce, made with flour, flavored with Parmigiano-Reggiano, S&P, and thinned with whole milk.

First thing you need are the ingredients, and they are:
Chicken Breasts
Ham Slices Read the rest of this entry »

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Happy New Year! I’m quitting.

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, December 31, 2023

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announced her coming abdication Sunday in a New Year’s speech from Christian IX’s Palace, Amalienborg Castle, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
photo by Keld Navntoft / Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Images

It looks like 52 years is long enough for anybody.

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II (b.1940), who has been the nation’s chief monarch since 1972 when she succeeded her father Frederick IX (1899-1972), is widely beloved by her compatriots, respected among her international peers, and other leaders, will turn the job over to her son and heir-apparent Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark (b.1968) on 14 January 2024, the 52nd anniversary of her accession.

December 31, 2023, 6:19 PM UTC
By Doha Madani

Queen Margrethe of Denmark announced she will abdicate her role after Read the rest of this entry »

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A Small Collection of Not-So-Random Thoughts

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Thursday, December 28, 2023

How Low Can You Go?

• 1 cup low sodium soy sauce
• 4 cups low sodium beef broth

“Low sodium”?

Who cares!


If you’re making a recipe, or dish, use what you want — within reason, of course — because there are very few dishes, recipes, etc., that rely upon a specific ingredient to determine the outcome or character of the dish. Some exception to that general principle, or guide, would be gluten-free, sugar-free, and/or “paleo” type low-carbohydrate recipes. There are, perhaps others, but those are 3 handy-dandy examples to illustrate the case in point.

But sodium, aka plain ol’ table salt — and fat — have been long demonized by some as having deleterious effects upon our health and well-being, and are (it would seem) useless and worse. As a corollary, or a minor matter aside, formerly, the word “welfare,” defined as the condition of one’s being, was used, but Repugnicunts hijacked and then demonized that word during the Reagan administration à la so-called “welfare mothers” who were almost always Negroes — rarely ever White folks. (Is it socially acceptable, de rigueur, or passé to use that proper term to name a people group? Yes. The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington and countless others all used it.) However, as it turned out, White folks were the greatest recipients of such government “largess” both as a percent, and as raw numbers. Ssshhh! Don’t tell anyone. We mustn’t confuse, nor conflate, history with facts.

Yet fat and sodium are but two critically important constituents of a proper dietary regimen, being defined as one that substantially promotes homeostasis, through which the organism thrives. Fat is necessary for our bodies to utilize vitamins A,D,E, and K — all the fat-soluble vitamins — while sodium is a fundamental component of cardiac and other cellular function. Furthermore, our brains are the points at which our desire, or drive, for salt exists, and is a homeostatic mechanism.

“Sodium (Na) is frequently considered antagonistic to health, given that a high-salt (NaCl) diet is harmful. However, the appetite for NaCl appears to be an innate mechanism, and an elevated NaCl intake may serve to protect against dehydration [1,2,3]. Maintenance of this ion within appropriate levels (Na balance) is not only an adaptive process necessary for survival but also an essential component of hydromineral homeostasis (Na and fluid balances).

“Na is the primary cation in extracellular fluid (ECF) and, along with associated anions, constitutes 90% of ECF osmolality [4,5]. ECF, which contains slightly more than one-third of total body fluid, has a Na concentration of around 144 mOsm/L. Almost all the remaining body fluid is contained in intracellular fluid (ICF), which has a lower concentration of Na (10 mOsm/L) [6]. Given that the maintenance of these water and Na levels is essential for adequate cell functioning and because the cell membrane has low permeability to solutes, water moves by osmosis from areas of lower to higher solute concentration to equalize osmotic ECF and ICF concentrations [7,8]. Hence, Na is essential to maintain electrolyte and water balances (hydromineral regulation).”

Sodium Homeostasis, a Balance Necessary for Life
2023 Jan; 15(2): 395.
Published online 2023 Jan 12. doi: 10.3390/nu15020395

Two In One

But have you ever thought about it?

What word can be (and is) an adjective -and- a verb?

If you guessed “consummate,” you would be correct.

Etymology of the word is circa mid-15th century, and 1500s, from Latin…

c. 1500, “complete, perfect, carried to the utmost extent or degree,” from Latin consummatus “perfected, complete,” past participle of consummare “sum up, complete,” from assimilated form of com “together, with” (see con-) + summa “sum, total,” from summus “highest” (see sum (n.)). Of persons, “accomplished, very qualified,” from 1640s. Related: Consummately.

Dear Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley,

America’s Civil War was about slavery.

Or as some have said, it was about so-called “states’ rights” to have slavery.

It was not about so-called “big government,” it wasn’t about Read the rest of this entry »

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Smithfield Chinese Foods to Fire 26 Utah Farms

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Wishing for you, and yours, a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, y’all!

If you’re going to dance, you MUST pay the piper, and the piper calls the tunes.

Don’t talk with your mouth full.


Smithfield Foods Ends Contracts With 26 US Pig Farms, Citing Oversupply

December 06, 2023 at 10:39 AM

CHICAGO, Dec. 5 (Reuters) — Smithfield Foods said on Tuesday, Dec. 5, it will end contracts with 26 hog farms in Utah, in the latest contraction by the world’s largest pork processor in the face of an industry oversupply.

Wan Long, RIGHT, Chairman and CEO of WH Group, formerly called Shuanghui International, shakes hands with Charles Larry Pope, President and CEO of Smithfield Foods, at a press conference of WH Group in Hong Kong, China, 14 April 2014.
Two subsidiaries of Henan Shuanghui Investment and Development Co have gained access to the Russian market, after its parent company — WH Group Ltd, the world’s largest pork producer— acquired US pork producer Smithfield Foods Inc and bought a stake in Campofrio Food Group SA of Spain, the largest pan-European packaged meat products company, last year. The two Heilongjiang-based companies — Wangkui Shuanghui Beidahuang Food Co and Heilongjiang Baoquanling Shuanghui Food Industry Co — got the official nod after their production facilities and products were examined and assessed by officials from Russia’s meat products watchdog, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, in August, Shuanghui Development said on its website. To widen its import market for meat, the Russian government agreed to import meat products from five Chinese suppliers by the end of August, indicating the nation has taken a flexible strategy to balance the supply and demand relationship, while the US and its European allies are trying to squeeze the country’s trade space in the world market.

Pork producers have been losing money as pig prices and consumer demand for pork have struggled at a time of high costs for labor and other expenses.

Smithfield, owned by Hong Kong’s WH Group, said it will terminate employees who support its dealings with farms that raise hogs under production contracts. Layoffs may total about Read the rest of this entry »

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Congress Took Out One Piece of Trash

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Friday, December 1, 2023

Others Remain At Large

It’s not always illegal to lie.

Of course, that depends upon the context — the circumstance, situation, and setting in which the lie is told.

And, believe it, or not, it’s not even always totally illegal to kill another human being, because again, the context — conditions, circumstance and situation in which the death occurs — are all taken into consideration by law enforcement authorities, in determining whether, or not, charges will be filed against the responsible party. In many circles it’s called “justifiable homicide,” with one example of justifiable homicide being a scenario in which someone, or group of people, is being threatened by at least one gun-wielding assailant, one of whom is then killed by a party who was among those threatened by a gun-wielding assailant.

There are exceptions to rules. Just about all rules, in fact. For the baseball fans among us, the Infield Fly Rule is one such example of a scenario in which human judgment reigns supreme. There is no “hard and fast” with the IFR. It’s an altogether subjective matter that relies exclusively upon the umpire to call it… or not. One ump would call it one way, and another would call it another.

But there is one crime that is ALWAYS, in every circumstance, situation, and scenario 100% illegal, at ALL TIMES, in every place.

And that crime is theft.

It is 100% illegal at all times, and in all places, to steal anything, at any time, from anyone. No matter how small, no matter how “justified” the perpetrator may feel or think about their actions, it is still always 100% illegal to steal, and always has been. There are NO exceptions to theft laws. NONE.

Theft, of course, is ultimately a type of dishonesty, because most thieves won’t, or don’t, tell others of their misdeeds — particularly and especially Law Enforcement Authorities. And it is the secrecy, the deliberate cover-up, the deception, and duplicity that often accompany theft which is so infuriating to many, if not most, or, even all victims of theft, because the crime is discovered only after the fact. To know that one was betrayed by one so close is an artful deception, if it could be so described, because it is deliberate.

While most crimes may be discovered after the fact, the making of plans to commit a crime — if it is done in conjunction with another person, regardless of whether that other person is the actual “bag man,” or not — is crime of conspiracy. In fact, conspiracy is THE single most prosecuted crime by the Federal government.

That it is a criminal act to plan a crime with another speaks volumes about how important fundamental honesty is to daily life, and the great value attached to honesty by Americans.

Russia is NOT like that.

Not even one iota.

As partial evidence of that fact, consider that the Russians lied about a dog which they sacrificed in their Sputnik 2 space capsule in 1957, gave numerous lies about it over the years, and only finally came clean with the truth in 2002 — some 45 years later. see:

Russia is a fundamentally dishonest, and inherently corrupt nation, which has been corrupt since its ancient developments and into its modern foundings. Corrupt trees bear bad fruit grown from corrupt roots. Such corruption is plainly seen in modernity in abuses by Russia’s military service members by the almost-open brazen theft from the various supply stocks that are stolen and resold by those who are tasked with its distribution to their military by their government.

And that’s just one example, of many more, all of which undeniably, and unambiguously demonstrate an inherent mentality of thievery among Russia’s military. Is such activity considered criminal in Russia? Yes, it is. Such cravenly wholesale disregard for fundamental honesty by Russian military service members is but one sign of the extensively thorough rot that has infected the entirety of the Russian army. And in many cases, we’ve seen that the materials themselves are flawed, faulty, aged, and show significantly excessive signs of shop wear.

George Santos (R-NY3) is a mirror image of what commonly happens in Russia, and the ISC report Read the rest of this entry »

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Earth Rid Itself Of Another Noxious Pest

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Thursday, November 30, 2023

Of the many news reporting outlets that published stories about Henry Kissinger’s death aged 100, there was ONLY ONE that got it right.

Only one.

Rolling Stone published this headline about Kissinger’s death:

Good Riddance

Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies

The infamy of Nixon’s foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of history’s worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him.

It was a truthful headline, if ever there was one.

With some people, you’re glad they’re dead.

He is one such person.

He was as cruel & despicably wicked as Pol Pot.

Maybe even worse.

But let me be more succinctly explicit about Henry Kissinger:

Kissinger was the kind of guy who makes you wish you could say to Hitler, “You missed one!”

Following is Read the rest of this entry »

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USDA Legal Opinion: “THC is no longer a controlled substance.”

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, November 27, 2023

Pharmaceutical manufacturers were making cannabis medicines long before it was declared illegal by the United States government.

“Congress has removed hemp from schedule I and removed it entirely from the CSA (Controlled Substances Act).

“…hemp is no longer a controlled substance.

“Congress has likewise removed THC in hemp from the CSA.” This is perhaps the most significant federal recognition that THC is no longer a controlled substance.

“This is perhaps the most significant federal recognition that THC is no longer a controlled substance.”

— excerpts from a USDA bulletin by the Office of General Counsel, issued May 28, 2019, as a legal opinion, on hemp

(see: https://www.ams.usda.gov/content/legal-opinion-authorities-hemp-production)

(see also, a complete legal analysis and executive summary on the opinion by that Office at: https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/HempExecSumandLegalOpinion.pdf)

Naturally, the $64 Question arises:
Is Cannabis Now TOTALLY Legal?

Within the cannabis industry in the United States, there is discussion about the DEA’s most recent recommendation to re-schedule cannabis (as marijuana) to Schedule III from Schedule I, which some say would continue perpetuating, and possibly worsen, the can of worms that has developed surrounding cannabis, primarily as “marijuana,” while yet others say that the only reasonably rational way to effectively handle the matter of cannabis, in order to cease perpetuating the numerous problems created by its prohibition, is to fully de-schedule it, in order to tax and regulate it, in much the same way as beverage alcohol was re-legalized following its Prohibition.

Yet the DEA, as a law enforcement agency, is loathe to relinquish any control over the plant, and has thus far, refused to cede any ground to hemp farmers, and all others involved in that aspect of the greater, overall cannabis industry. However, when challenged in Federal court over their stance upon, and actions in the matter, the DEA has lost.

Several bills have been Read the rest of this entry »

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Charles Manson & Donald Trump: Twin Brothers from Different Mothers

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, November 26, 2023

Gaslighting & Psychological Projection: Pot Calls Kettle Black

Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear some news about the former, 45th POTUS and the myriad legal troubles in which he has mired himself, Federal and State, and his numerous co-conspirators. Naturally, he denies all culpability, and continues telling “THE BIG LIE” — spinning a hypothetical yarn, hoping the too-tall tale of fantastical fiction grousing his 2020 electoral loss to Joe Biden will knit some kind of loosely-fitting garment… albeit one with numerous irreparable holes. It’s a modern version of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

“If you say it enough and keep saying it, they’ll start to believe you.”
— Donald Trump, July 3, 2021 speech in Sarasota, FL

“I play to people’s fantasies. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole.”
— Donald Trump, as written in his 1987 book “The Art of the Deal”

“Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
— Donald Trump, speech to VFW annual convention in Kansas City, Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Faced with the very real possibility of incarceration in a Federal prison, or State prison, loss of reputation, loss of business license, professional censure, fines, and numerous other penalties, the hard, cold, stark reality has begun to set in for the bad-dream-weaver, and his minions. One by one, the dominoes are falling.


The 45th and immediately former President, a known pathological liar, cheat, and narcissist, recently wrote on his social media website, on Saturday, 25 November 2023, that,“Bob Vander Plaats, the former High School Accountant from Iowa, will do anything to win, something which he hasn’t done in many years. He’s more known for scamming Candidates than he is for Victory, but now he’s going around using Disinformation from the Champions of that Art, the Democrats. I don’t believe anything Bob Vander Plaats says. Anyone who would take $95,000, and then endorse a Candidate who is going nowhere, is not what Elections are all about!”

As others and I continue maintaining, the formerly-Grand Old Party has perfected psychological projection, a manipulative distraction technique designed to draw attention away from themselves (the accuser as guilty party), and place it upon an innocent party (an opponent), by accusing the innocent party of doing the very thing which the accuser/guilty party is doing.

When he tells the “snake story” — the Aesop’s Fable aka “The Farmer and the Snake,” an allegorical tale about a freezing-cold viper that begged to be picked up and warmed inside a coat, the gullible “rescuer,” against better judgement, picked it up, whereupon when sufficiently warmed, the viper bit the rescuer, who loudly exclaimed, asking, “Why did you do that!?!” The viper replied, “You knew what I was before you picked me up.” — he’s talking about himself. And he is the snake. The general public long knew what kind of man he was before he ever campaigned for President. We saw how utterly unscrupulous he was. We saw how grotesquely crass, how utterly without morals, how absent all semblance of good bearing, and wholly devoid of ethics, that he was, and remains. We knew full well who he was before we voted for him.

Psychological Projection (aka “projection”) is somewhat akin to “gaslighting,” insofar as it too, is designed & purposed by the claimant to manipulate & persuade malleable others that something is true, when it is false. Singer-songwriter Phil Collins sang about that in his 1999 hit “That’s All”:

“Just as I thought it was goin’ alright,
“I found out I’m wrong when I thought I was right;
“It’s always the same it’s just a shame that’s all.
“I could say day, and you’d say night;
“Tell me it’s black when I know thats it’s white;
“It’s always the same it’s just a shame that’s all.”

Analogously, to illustrate Psychological Projection, imagine if Charles Manson accused the Los Angeles County California Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi of masterminding murder by virtue of the fact that he would be facing the death penalty for his crimes.

How perversely bizarre is that?

A SPECIAL NOTE is particularly applicable here:

In this greater ordeal & situation, that being the indictment of the 45th and immediately former POTUS upon numerous Federal -and- State charges, most particularly and especially the whole schema of events leading to the insurrection of January 6, 2021, including its precursors, it should be borne in mind that, just as Charles Manson exercised control over his “family” members (adherents), primarily obliquely, so too does Donald Trump exercise control over his followers (adherents) primarily obliquely. And just as Charles Manson did NOT directly commit the Tate-LaBianca murders, nor order them, his influence upon his “family” of followers was so great and significantly influential, to the extent that he was found guilty of the murders. Donald Trump did the exact same thing with the Proud Boys and other white supremacist militant radicals directly leading to the insurrection of January 6, 2021.

“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by!”
— POTUS Donald Trump, during the first Presidential Debate with Democratic Presidential nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden on September 29, 2020, at Case Western University and Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, OH.

In response, Proud Boys leader-organizer Joe Biggs (a now-6-times convicted Federal felon) wrote on the now-defunct far-right-wing social media platform Parler, “Trump basically said to go fuck them up! This makes me so happy!”

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
— POTUS Donald Trump, tweet December 19, 2020, 1:42AM

Just as Charles Manson preyed upon weak, young abused women to coerce them into his fold and further manipulate them as a means to his end, so too does Trump prey upon the weak, the marginalized, and unsuspecting, and warmly embraces them into his feign flock in order to manipulate them for his own self interests.

“I love the poorly educated!”
— Donald Trump, after victory in the February 2016 Nevada Republican caucuses

In response, respected political observer and polling analyst Nate Silver on his website FiveThirtyEight dot com noted that Trump’s victory in the November General Election was primarily innervated and predicted by “education, not income,” and noted that “educational levels are the critical factor in predicting shifts in the vote between 2012 and 2016. You can come to that conclusion with a relatively simple analysis, like the one I’ve conducted above, or by using fancier methods.”


Again, while it was well-known then, that in his lifetime, though Read the rest of this entry »

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Why I Am A Chili Snob

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, November 19, 2023

A longtime dear friend from Germany recently asked my opinion of a recipe that purported to be “chili.”

I replied, stating that, “I consider myself somewhat of a chili “snob,” per se, so I might ~not~ be the best one to ask for that reason.

“But you asked, and so I’ll give it to you straight.

“Simply put… NO!

“It’s a vegetable stew.


“I’ll share a superior recipe w you via email,” and sent several factual and historic articles and links to prize-winning recipes for authentic Texas Chili.

A couple days later, I followed up, inquiring in a SMS (text) message sent earlier in the day, and asked, “How’d your vegetable stew turn out? That is, of course, presuming that you made the recipe which you’d earlier shared with me. (And I rather suspect that you did.)😂”

That is, of course, the vegetable stew attempting to masquerade as “chili.”

Gilbert Martinez , LEFT, son of founder of El Fenix restaurants and Dallas Morning News columnist Frank X. Tolbert, dressed in Mexican sombreros at an autographing party of Tolbert’s newest book “A Bowl of Red,” a history of his favorite food, chili con carne. Photo is stamped dated August 13, 1966. (Clint Grant/The Dallas Morning News)(staff photographer)
Mr. Tolbert (d.1984) was considered the preeminent Texas historian, and enjoyed a long career writing “Tolbert’s Texas,” a renown column for The Dallas Morning News from the 1950s until his death, and authored a book on the dish chili con carne, operated a restaurant on Main Street in Grapevine, TX, now still run by his children, ad co-founded the annual World Chili Championship held in the Big Bend-area town of Terlingua, TX.

I did find it fascinating that the VERY FIRST instruction was:
“In a skillet over low heat, toast a blend of your favorite chili spices for enhanced flavor. Common chili spices include chili powder, cumin, and paprika.”

And here’s the kicker:
A dish, or recipe, does NOT need “enhanced flavor” — unless it is devoid of flavor to begin with.

Continuing the criticism, first we have NO FLAVOR, then we have a struggle with “texture,” vis a vis, “Combining the sauce with the uncooked meat gives your chili a finer texture,”


“These veggies add great flavor and texture to the chili.”

We return several times to the matter of Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Saturday, November 18, 2023


Screenshot of statistics of a Tweet from a child pornographer’s account on X-Twitter-X

Elon Musk is a sick CUNT.

Elon Musk is a sick CUNT.

Elon Musk is a sick CUNT.

Why is Elon Muskrat a sick CUNT?

Besides the kiddie porn he allows on Twitter-X?

Yeah. Kiddie porn.

Only Elon Muskrat could take $44 BILLION and literally burn down the House of Twitter.

Explainer: How Elon Musk Funded The $44 Billion Twitter Deal, By Hyunjoo Jin and Chibuike Oguh / Friday, October 28, 2022 8:25 AM CDT / https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/how-will-elon-musk-pay-twitter-2022-10-07/ —— Oct 28 (Reuters) – Elon Musk on Thursday closed the $44 billion deal announced in April to take Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) private and took ownership of the influential social media platform by firing top executives immediately.]

Elon “CUNT” Muskrat’s jackassery is driving away advertisers and potential patrons like wildfire, thereby starving the business of income.

He’s fucking around and is about to find out.

He has “threatened” to file a “thermonuclear lawsuit” (whatever that is) on Monday, 20 November 2023 in response to the investigative findings published by Media Matters.

SEE: Elon Musk To File ‘Thermonuclear Lawsuit’ As Advertisers Desert X; Social media firm boss says he will sue media watchdog that said ads were being placed alongside antisemitic content — Saturday 18 November 2023 05:29 EST / by Harry Taylor @harrytaylr / https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/nov/18/elon-musk-to-file-thermonuclear-lawsuit-as-advertisers-desert-x

SEE ALSO: Elon Musk Says He’s Suing Media Matters Over Reports That Found X/Twitter Ads Ran Next to Pro-Nazi, White-Pride Posts — November 18, 2023 2:00AM PT / by Todd Spangler / https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/elon-musk-suing-media-matters-advertising-x-twitter-ads-nazi-white-pride-1235798786/



Oh yes… he’s also a joke. And a pathetic one, at that.

Here’s how it’ll all go down:

Muskrat CUNT’s for-hire mouthpieces (aka attorneys) will cry and whine to the court that the information published by Media Matters is false and scurrilous. (Hardly.) When MM shows the court the goods, the Feds (via the FBI) will step in, since X-Twitter-X is engaged in business that crosses state lines (electronically, etc.), and then, the shit will hit the ever-lovin’ fan, and Twitter will collapse/implode… from within — which it has been doing since his misguiding hand took over. And then, the folks that lent him their money to buy Twitter will sue him to get their money back and point to his violation of numerous Federal laws as proof/evidence, and he’ll lose his ass, and maybe Tesla and SpaceX, as well.

 So, FUCK YOU -and- the horse you rode in on.

Buh-bye Elon CUNT Muskrat.

And good riddance.

Here’s hoping.

Elon Musk Welcomes Child Sex Abuse Imagery Poster Back to Twitter

Twitter says it has “a zero-tolerance child sexual exploitation policy.”
Musk apparently doesn’t.

July 27, 2023, 9:12AM, by David Gilbert

Elon Musk reinstated a QAnon-promoting far-right Twitter account that posted child abuse imagery, even though his company’s policy explicitly says that’s not allowed.

On Wednesday, Musk tweeted that the company would reinstate the account of the notorious far-right troll known as “Dom Lucre.” Lucre’s account was banned on Wednesday after he had posted child exploitation images four days previously.

“For now, we will delete those posts and reinstate the account,” Musk tweeted in response to another account questioning why Twitter had deleted the account.

“I’m told that this account was suspended for posting child exploitation pictures associated with the criminal conviction of an Australian man in the Philippines,” Musk tweeted.

The offending post referenced an assistant to Peter Scully, the Australian man who was sentenced last year to 129 years in prison for sexually abusing children as young as 18 months.

Along with the link to an article about the assistant, the account posted two screenshots from a video Scully created on the dark web, which Lucre said showed a “one-year-old named Daisy.”


Musk Pledged to Cleanse Twitter of Child Abuse Content. It’s Been Rough Going.

Child sexual abuse imagery spreads on Twitter even after the company is notified: One video drew 120,000 views. “Sewer rats,” as one regulator described bad actors, remain.

By Michael H. Keller and Kate Conger / February 6, 2023 Updated 3:43 p.m. ET

Over 120,000 views of a video showing a boy being sexually assaulted. A recommendation engine suggesting that a user follow content related to exploited children. Users continually posting abusive material, delays in taking it down when it is detected and friction with organizations that police it.

All since Elon Musk declared that “removing child exploitation is priority #1” in a tweet in late November.

Under Mr. Musk’s ownership, Twitter’s head of safety, Ella Irwin, said she had been moving rapidly to combat child sexual abuse material, which was prevalent on the site — as it is on most tech platforms — under the previous owners. “Twitter 2.0” will be different, the company promised.

But a review by The New York Times found that the imagery, commonly known as child pornography, persisted on the platform, including widely circulated material that the authorities consider the easiest to detect and eliminate.

After Mr. Musk took the reins in late October, Twitter largely eliminated or lost staff experienced with the problem and failed to prevent the spread of abusive images previously identified by the authorities, the review shows. Twitter also stopped paying for some detection software considered key to its efforts.


Read the rest of this entry »

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Tommy Tuberville is Putin’s Pal

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Friday, November 10, 2023

It’s painfully obvious that Putin is controlling Tuberville, playing him like a foolball.
Yes, FOOLball.

The worthless hot steaming pile of filthy, stinking pig excrement from Alabama known as “Tommy Tuberville” is a FRIEND OF VLADIMIR PUTIN, DOING HIS BIDDING.

Yes, Alabama Repugnicunt Senator Tommy Tuberville is doing Putin’s bidding.

Traitor Tuberville’s actions are an important part of Putin’s Master Plan to weaken America militarily by striking at its center of operations — senior level career military officers — and to demoralize those same members, and others, to weaken their will to fight.

It’s classical psychological warfare tactics.

Welcome to the “modern” Repugnicunt party!

Make America Weak Again

Helping America become a “shithole country.”

Putin elected him.

Americans did not.


Senators Try To Get Around Traitor Tuberville’s Blockade Of Military Promotions

Traitor Tommy Tuberville, a Repugnicunt Alabama Senator, is 9 months into his one-man blockade of several hundreds of military promotions — which he says he is doing to protest Read the rest of this entry »

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Thank A Penis

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, October 22, 2023

NPR published a brief, blurby-type article about “Naked Attraction,” a dating game show streaming on HBO, acquired from England’s Channel 4, the publicly-owned, commercially-operated English broadcaster separate from the BBC, which is paid for by commercials. Apparently, the show’s quite popular, and for whatever reason, has created quite a stir here in the States.

As you might suspect, Naked Attraction is yet another naked pseudo “reality” type show in which the contestants participate unclothed, which, as Neda Ulaby, who reports on arts, entertainment, and cultural trends for NPR’s Arts Desk, wrote, has a fairly simple concept. “Here’s the gimmick: One contestant faces six boxes that contain six naked people. Bit by bit, their bodies are revealed, starting from the bottom. The contestant eliminates possible future dating partners based on the body parts they see.”

Professor Dr. Jeffrey P. Jones, PhD, Executive Director, George Foster Peabody Awards, and Professor at the University of Georgia, authored a book on HBO’s history, was interviewed for the article and stated the most likely reason for the show’s newfound attention:

“They are showing full male frontal nudity, and that’s maybe what’s catching a few breaths. This is marketing that happens without the HBO or Netflix marketing departments.”

In the article, Ms. Ulaby asked a blasé question: “But if nudity is a gimmick that gets them — what happens when nudity gets old?”

Professor Dr. Jones, who earned his undergrad & master’s at Auburn, and PhD at UT Austin, had a succinct reply for that:

“People will never get tired of nudity. It’s on frescoes all through Europe. Nudity is with us forever. Frankly, it’s a central part of who and what we are as humans, and we’re going to tell stories about it.”

On a personal level, I’m glad to know, that at least in a minor way, American society is finally, slowly acknowledging that men have penises, since we so rarely see them in film, or television. That fact seems to have escaped our Puritanical Evangelical brethren who eschew acknowledging that foundational core value of our being, which is that we all owe our existence to a penis.

And to be fair, there’s necessity in the ovaries & fallopian tubes, (manufacturing & delivery), vagina (sometimes termed “introitus,” or driveway) and, uterus (the housing center), as well.

But we in America have shamed the human body, have instilled via extreme, fear-based, punishment-exacting religious indoctrination, a base of shame-based guilt, for no good reason, save to perpetuate a system of dogmatic indoctrination, and legal articulation of extreme rightwing radical religious rhetoric.

It is unimaginable that in this year, era, and age, that Read the rest of this entry »

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How Did Donald Trump Contribute to Hamas’ Attack?

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Let’s talk about American National Security for just a moment.

And like it, or not, national security is inextricably intertwined with politics — on BOTH sides.

So yes, it WILL involve some DIRECT discussion of politics.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, pure and simple, and MUST be destroyed — there’s NO question about it.

But there’s an even greater question which has arisen from Hamas’ brutal savagery and recent massacre:

How did Hamas manage to escape detection by Israel’s “Iron Dome” air defense system?

Read on.

On Wednesday, October 12, 2023, at an annual meeting of Club 47 USA, a group of Trump re-election supporters, who met at the Palm Beach County Convention Center, in West Palm Beach, FL, Donald Trump aired a list of seemingly disparate grievances, which all apparently point to Trump’s meeting with Russians in the White House, and said in part:

“But I’ll never forget… I’ll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing. I will say that. And ah, so I see, sometimes, the intelligence — you talk about the intelligence, and you talk about some of the things that went wrong over the last week — eh, they gotta’ straighten it out, because they’re fighting — potentially a very big force, they’re fighting potentially Iran — and when they have people saying the wrong things, everything they say is being digested by these people, because they’re vicious and they’re smart — and boy are they vicious, because nobody’s ever seen the kind of sight that we’ve seen, nobody’s ever seen it — but they cannot play games. So we were disappointed by that, very disappointed, but we did the job ourself [sic] and it was absolute precision, magnificent, [a] beautiful job, then Bibi tried to take credit for it, so THAT didn’t make me feel too good, but that’s alright, but they gotta’ straighten themselves out.”

“You know, Hezbollah is very smart. They’re all very smart.”

Judging from how Hamas’ attack occurred, apparently, Hamas knew how to get around Israel’s Iron Dome defenses — because they did so successfully, by using motorcycles, civilian automobiles, and most notably, motorized paragliders — which typically fly slow and low enough to avoid radar detection, unlike missiles. It wasn’t the first time paragliders have been used to infiltrate Israel. On 25 November 1987, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command launched 2 paragliders from southern Lebanon, 1 of which landed in Israel, as reported by the Washington Post, while another terrorist then attacked an Israeli military base near Kiryat Shmona, killed 6 Israeli soldiers and wounded another 7 before being shot and killed.

Video screenshot of a Hamas terrorist infiltrating Israel using a powered paraglider October 7, 2023 during their attack.

However, it wasn’t as if Israel and the world — especially and particularly the intelligence community — didn’t have any idea, for they did.

In addition, on May 6, 2015, 9:40 PM (GMT+3), the Israel National News – Arutz Sheva media group, reported in a story headlined:

Report: Hamas Set to Conduct Paragliding Attacks

“Hamas is recruiting Palestinian students in Malaysia to carry out attacks on Israel using paragliding equipment, a report said.

They wrote in part:

“Hamas is developing an air attack capability – by recruiting Palestinian students in Malaysia to carry out attacks on Israel using paragliding equipment, [stated] a report by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center. The report reveals two incidents in which Hamas was found to be conducting training of Palestinian students for such attacks in that country.”

Futher, it’s not beyond the scope of the pale to imagine that Hamas probably learned how to avoid detection by Israel’s air defense system courtesy of  Iran. And how did Iran get that information? Why, they almost certainly got that information came from Russia. And from where or who, pray tell, did Russia get it? Sadly, for all the world, it very much looks like it was none other than Donald Trump, and at the request or suggestion of Putin.

Of course, it is knowledge of some not-widely-known fact, and simply obtaining, or having details of plans, that such highly sensitive information on terrorist activities would be something only a “deep insider,” or close personal friend of, would possibly know, so one would imagine that its sharing wouldn’t be so brazen.

Or, could it?

It was 6 years ago, on May 10, 2017, that then-President Donald Trump met at the White House with Read the rest of this entry »

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A Potato Soup Recipe: The Humble Potato Exalted

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Let’s Cook! In Praise of the Humble, Versatile Potato.

If you read recipes, as I often do, you’re bound to have seen at least one recipe for Potato Soup.

Many, if not most, or — dare I say it? — even all recipes for Potato Soup have so MANY so-called “garnishments” that you wonder if you’re eating Potato Soup, or something else, like a puréed casserole, or some such thing.

Perhaps instead those ingredients should  be called “amendments” — like soil amendments, for example, defined as being things added to change something to which they’re added… because they FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE the ENTIRE dish — flavor, texture — EVERYTHING, so that the potato becomes lost in the mix, and essentially disappears as a foundational element of the dish, making the additions to it the center-of-attention.

It’s hardly recognizable as a potato, per se, aside from the traditional, well-worn add-ons like sour cream, chives, bacon, onions, cheese, butter, pepper, parsley, milk, buttermilk, pulled pork, celery, celery seed, chicken broth, ancho chili powder, green onions, flour, and goodness knows what all else.

Even for a so-called “loaded” baked potato, that’s a whole lotta’ stuff… that COMPLETELY HIDES, COVERS UP, and MASQUERADES as a “potato.”

Make NO mistake.

It is NOT.

It’s some type of casserole, using a potato as an excuse to exist.

This recipe is NOT that.

Not by a long shot.

Not even hardly.

Look… many, perhaps even most, folks like potatoes. And to be certain, not only are there are numerous types of potatoes, they are ubiquitous globally, including Sweet — and there are numerous varieties even within that group — by some accounts, several thousands. By the way… in the language of horticulture, the proper term that describes a variation (a variety, or type) in a plant is “cultivar.”

Then, we have the Russet, Yukon Gold, Red, etc. And within the greater potato genre, per se, there are multiple thousands upon thousands, tens of thousands, even, of varieties and cultivars of potatoes globally. So, it’s not as if there are only 3, or 4 types. It’s just that “your” grocery store chain has chosen to sell those limited few types, and the farmers… well, the farmers grow ’em, god love ’em. It seems as if we’re broaching upon narrowing to monoculture… almost.

Each of those types and cultivars have their own unique characteristics, including variations in Read the rest of this entry »

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Save The World from Cow Farts!

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Thursday, September 21, 2023

In The Netherlands, A Farmers Party Taps Into Widespread Discontent With Government

Dutch Farmers Party Gains Popularity Ahead Of November Elections


“It’s probably arising from a deeper-felt feeling that society is changing too fast, and not in a direction that people appreciate — and, also these new measures that probably have to be implemented to protect the environment are also being enforced upon us for no good reasons by outside forces.”

Professor Dr. Wouter van der Brug, PhD, Political Scientist, University of Amsterdam

Wouter van der Brug is Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. His research interests focus on comparative research in collective political behavior, in particular electoral behavior, right-wing populism and political parties. He published monographs, edited volumes and more than 80 scientific articles in various international journals, such as the European Journal of Political Research, the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, etc.

“People in Holland have the feeling that the government’s needs are more important than the needs of the citizens. A lot of people are worried about their future. They’re worried about, ‘can my children buy a house in the coming years?’ They’re worried about all the costs that are soaring, the costs of food and gas. People can’t pay their bills anymore because everything is getting so expensive and they find in us a party that they trust.”

— Caroline van der Plas, Member of Parliament, Founder of the Farmer-Citizen Movement party, in Dutch, the BoerBurgerBeweging, and acronym, BBB

Dutch farmer Wilbert van der Post is worried that the Dutch government’s new nitrogen reduction rules will force him, a fourth-generation farmer, out of business. He plans to vote for the Farmer-Citizens Movement, known in the Netherlands by its acronym, BBB, on election day in November. – Rob Schmitz/NPR

The Netherlands is one of the world’s Top 5 greatest food exporting nations (several reliably authoritative sources place it 2nd in value and volume), and for a country with over 17 million inhabitants (over 10 million more than Maryland), and about the same square area of Maryland (which is 16,000²miles+/-),  that’s a significant accomplishment. The United States, of course, leads the world in food exports, far and away eclipsing the Netherlands value and volume, by at least 3.5 times. Comparatively, New York State, with 19.6 million, and Pennsylvania with 12.9 million residents, are the 2 states whose populations are nearest the Netherlands.

The Netherlands government states that “the Dutch agricultural sector exports some € 65 billion of agricultural produce annually,” which comprises 17.5% of all Dutch exports, and fully 10% of the Dutch economy’s GDP and employment is derived from its horticultural and agricultural sector, while 25% of its exports are shipped to Germany, its greatest trade partner.

Since the 1600s the Dutch have long been known for their trading and shipping prowess, and in 2017, estimates were that the agricultural sector of the nation’s economy comprised about 1.6% of GDP, while services and industry comprised 70.2% and 17.9%, respectively. Last year (2022), Dutch food exports increased 9.4%, which was valued at over €100 billion. The year prior (2021), Germany imported the most Dutch food, valued at €26.3 billion, followed by Belgium €12.1 billion, France €8.6 billion, and the UK with €8.6 billion.

The Dutch share the Germans’ appreciation of efficiency, and increased efficiencies in agriculture have contributed significantly to increased production and profitability, with reliance upon greenhouses — one company has 24,000 acres under canopy (an area roughly 2x the size of Manhattan) — to supply enough vegetables to feed the nation, and to export, much of which is bound for Western European nations. In fact, on average, Dutch farms typically use only ½ gallon of water to grow around a pound of tomatoes, while the global average is over 28 gallons. The greenhouses use less fertilizer and significantly less water than traditional outdoor farming in soil, and can grow in an area of 1 acre what would take at least 10 acres of traditional farming to produce.

Wageningen Economic Research and Statistics Netherlands, on behalf of the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, found that in 2021, Read the rest of this entry »

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Explaining and Understanding Alabama

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Thursday, August 17, 2023


In Federal court, Alabama Republicans again defend not creating a 2nd majority Black district.


Alabama is ALWAYS “itching for a fight” because residents feel as if someone is forcing them to do something against their self-interest, or will, or that they’re going to suffer some kind of loss.

In order to motivate Alabamans, they must feel like they’re against something, that something, or someone, is going to take something away from them. It matters not what — it could be their household garbage — but they will no longer be in control of it, because someone is going to take it away from them, and therefore, they must oppose that oppressive, governmental edict-by-force issued from upon high by an alien enemy power, that they must “draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny.”

The astute will recognize, no doubt, the line uttered by the now-late former Governor George C. Wallace in his infamous “stand in the schoolhouse door” speech at Foster Auditorium in June 1963, on the campus of the University of Alabama, in Tuscaloosa.

Harmony and peace are “adults-only beverages” and Alabama cannot yet drink to the fullest from that wellspring, that fountain of life, a refreshingly cool, bubbling artesian well, and with all its other infantile behaviors, still suckles the teat of insecurity, demanding to be diapered and fed, to have attention given to it regardless, still incapable of sleeping through the night.

Mike Rogers-R,AL3 is restrained by Richard Hudson-R,NC8 from attacking Matt Gaetz-R,FL1 after Mike Rogers confronted Matt Gaetz because Gaetz voted “PRESENT” in the 14th round of balloting for Speaker of the House (SOTH), late Friday night, January 6, 2023. Kevin McCarthy-R,CA20 was finally elected as Speaker of the House (SOTH) on the 15th round of voting.

Alabama loved George Wallace.

They loved him so very much, that they elected him as Governor an unprecedented 4 times… not counting the time he was the puppet master, pulling the strings of his wife Lurleen’s campaign and her brief time in office as Governess.

Wallace was the state’s 45th individual to have served as Governor, and was elected as Governor in 1962, 1970, 1974, and 1982.

Later in life, after suffering near death following Arthur Bremer’s assassination attempt upon him while campaigning for the Office of President, Wallace had been paralyzed from the waist down by a bullet which had lodged in his spinal cord, and claimed to have changed afteerward, to have had a Christian religious conversion experience before he won election to an unprecedented nonconsecutive 4th term in office as Governor. As part of that conversion experience, he expressed contrition for his wicked deeds towards the Negro/Black community in Alabama — which were most notably expressed as bigotry, racism and segregation — directly to the Black community in Birmingham, Montgomery, and elsewhere, from the pulpits of their churches.

They believed him.

Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham examined polling data, voter turnout, and other official records from the 1982 General Election, found a level of support for Wallace among the Black community so very great, so that without it, Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Did they REALLY say that?, - Even MORE Uncategorized!, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., - Round, round, get around, I get around. | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Addiction: We’ve Been Doing it ALL WRONG

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Thursday, August 17, 2023


What are we, as a nation, a government… what HAVE we been doing WRONG, so that, in the space of the past 50, or 60 years, instead of minimizing substance abuse and associated problems, INSTEAD, we have spawned and cultivated global narcotrafficking terrorist cartels, which have proliferated exceedingly abundantly and are now a root cause of many crimes overall?

Isn’t 50, or 60 years long enough to get a clue as to EXACTLY WHAT we’re doing WRONG — AND CHANGE!?!

The LIES that’ve been peddled and foisted upon us are blatantly contradicted by the government’s own research findings (via the NSDUH, SAMHSA, et al):

There is NO SUCH THING as “instantly addictive” substances/drugs, for if there was, Read the rest of this entry »

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We have GOOD NEWS! (For a change.) Thanks to Taylor Swift!

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Friday, August 4, 2023

There’s plenty to cry about these days.

Like him, or loathe him, the former, 45th POTUS has been indicted… not once, not twice, but several times in Federal and State courts on a variety of matters, some stemming from his time as President, others before, though the most serious ones deal with national security from his actions taken as an official while in office, and attempting to stay in office knowingly using blatantly violent and dishonest means.

Not good.

That a former President could credibly be accused of a crime — any crime — is a sad state of affairs in our nation.

Approval ratings for Congress — ALL of those critters, House and Senate, in BOTH parties (why are there not many more viable party options?) — is at an all-time low.

Confidence and trust in the SCOTUS is dropping faster than a rock following their law-making actions AND discoveries that Justices Thomas and Alito for many years have been receiving numerous gifts of costly luxurious trips from wealthy partisan political donors without reporting them — as required by law — in addition to other special considerations which they’ve received, all of which are unavailable to ordinary everyday people.

And despite the several good things accomplished by the sitting POTUS with the economy —

• passage of the CHIPS Act,
• passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, aka the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill,
• the lowest unemployment since 1969,
• more people employed and working than at any time in American history,
• creation of 11 million good-paying jobs,

• including 750,000 manufacturing jobs,
• $300 billion private sector domestic manufacturing investments,
• more judges confirmed to the Federal judiciary since John F. Kennedy,
• numerous approvals of large-scale offshore wind energy projects,
• the end of the COVID-19 pandemic,

• rescued a tanked economy with the American Rescue Plan,
• reopening closed schools and businesses,
• reduced inflation with the Inflation Reduction Act,
• enabling Medicare to negotiate medicines’ prices,
• reducing the price of life-saving insulin medication to $35/month,

• capping seniors’ out of pocket pharmacy expenses at $2000,
• reducing the price of gasoline on average by $1.60/gallon by releasing an historic volume from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve,
• protected the rights of our military service members, their family and health,
• signed legislation reinforcing marriage rights for interracial and same-sex couples,
• enacting non-discrimination protections in health care, housing, education, and employment for marginalized minority groups,

• removed bans from military service for them, etc.,

— some folks apparently still don’t like him, particularly his age, which at 80, he’s the oldest POTUS ever, older even (not by much) than his predecessor (who is aged 77), and who is campaigning for a return to office under a growing storm cloud of criminal accusations at the Federal and State levels.

Kentucky U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, aged 81, fell and obtained a head injury (concussion) a few months back, and apparently (according to numerous Congressional members and others) hasn’t fully recovered, as evidenced by his highly-public going-blank/mute episode before news cameras and observers in the Capitol building. “I was sandbagged,” he said to POTUS BIDEN of the episode when called to inquire about his welfare.

California’s senior U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein is aged 90 and Read the rest of this entry »

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Alabama: A State of Perpetual Infancy

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Saturday, July 22, 2023

“Your Cadillac
Has got a wheel in the ditch
And a wheel on the track.”

Despite the fact that an adult human being may be in the form of a 70+ year old body, that is neither proof, nor evidence of, maturity.

The presupposition, however, is that emotional/psychological development parallels physical development, that it is unified, or integrated in the person.

However, that’s not always the case.

Some individuals are still developmentally stuck at the age of 10. Their behavior tells any observer everything they truly need to know. Their selfish insecurities are always on full display, and even the most casual of observers can easily and readily note that something is grossly awry.

Alabama was the 22nd state to have been admitted to the union, which occurred in 1819, having been first separated from the Mississippi Territory 2 years earlier, when Mississippi obtained statehood. One would imagine, nay hope, that after 209 years, the people would have figured out a few things. Sadly, that is not the case in Alabama. Even their 1901 bloated state constitution — by far, the lengthiest of any in the world, and which voters rescinded and replaced in 2022 — is evidence of that fact. The new constitution has 11 amendments.

While Alabama’s official state motto is “Audemus jura nostra defendere” (Latin, “we dare defend our rights”), its unofficial state motto is “Thank God for Mississippi,” for even though it was separated from the Mississippi Territory in 1817 by Congressional action, it could be thought of as a somewhat unsuccessful separation of conjoined twins. Not all surgeries are successful, nor achieve the desired or intended results.

Alabama’s 45th Governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat may be best known for saying, “I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

Alabama is one such example.

For many, there are 2 things that immediately come to mind when hearing the word “Alabama”: Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Did they REALLY say that?, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News, - Uncategorized II | Tagged: , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Skateboarding Is Not A Crime

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Police arrest 32 adults, cite 81 minors at “Hill Bomb” San Francisco skate event


Let’s headline this story with a MORE ACCURATE one:

Police Break Up Unofficial, Unsanctioned San Francisco Skateboard Event, Melee Ensues

Such an ill-fitting cheap suit looks unbecoming on the SFPD.

INSTEAD, organizers SHOULD -and- could collaborate WITH the city to make it a competitive skateboard-body sanctioned event, such as by the World Skateboarding Commission, and attraction. And goodness knows, Frisco SURE NEEDS some good press these days.

It’s reassuring to know that public officials in the Bay City have their priorities in order, and that all the city’s problems — homelessness, unemployment, crime (including robbery, vandalism, murder, assault, rape), illicit drug abuse, lack of healthcare, wealth inequality, etc. — are a thing of the past.

Which one is criminal, a genuine threat to society, public health, safety, morals, and good order?

A woman in a wheelchair injects illicit drugs at San Francisco’s infamous open-air drugs market.

Video footage from the event shows large crowds cheering as children and adults furiously rolled down the steep descent — some flying off their boards and hitting the pavement only to get back up to do it again.

Video footage from the event shows large crowds cheering as children and adults furiously rolled down the steep descent — some flying off their boards and hitting the pavement only to get back up to do it again.

More than 100 are charged, including 81 children, as SF skateboarding event erupts into massive melee with minors destroying a light-rail vehicle and yelling ‘F*** the police’ as riot cops crackdown on annual gathering

• San Francisco police shut down an annual skateboarding event that erupted into chaos — arresting 32 adults and citing 81 minors in the Mission District July 8
• Hundreds gathered near Dolores Street to take part in the “Dolores Hill Bomb” — a popular annual skateboarding event where people ride down a large hill
• Officers issued a mass arrest of the crowd at 8.35PM the majority were minors — cops seized multiple firearms, unignited fireworks and narcotics paraphernalia

Published: 02:16 EDT, 10 July 2023 | Updated: 03:45 EDT, 10 July 2023
By Aneeta Bhole for Dailymail.Com


“San Francisco Mayor London Breed appeared quiet in the wake of the incident as many pointed the finger at her poor sense of what is important for the city.

“Many took to Twitter to condemn the Mayor saying the same crackdown seen at the hill should be implemented when fighting the rampant crime and explosion of drug use in the city.

“Last week, a gang of teenagers in ski masks has been attacking mothers and nannies in broad daylight in one of San Francisco’s wealthiest neighborhoods, and stealing their cell phones.

“The group is believed to be behind 11 thefts in one week at the end of June, said Thomas Harvey, captain of the San Francisco Police Department’s Mission District police station.

“The attacks are mainly in the Noe Valley area of the city, where the average house is valued at $1.7 million.

“One suspect has been arrested, and police are hunting for the others, as robberies city-wide surge 11.9 percent, year on year.”

S.F. Police Chief Defends Mass Arrests At Mission Skateboard Event

“Brazen criminal activity”: S.F. Police chief defends mass arrests at Dolores Park skateboarding event
July 10, 2023
Updated: July 10, 2023 8:54 p.m.
by Nora Mishanec

Police Chief Bill Scott on Monday doubled down on defending the police response to a skateboarding event in the Mission on Saturday, calling officers’ decision to arrest or cite more than 100 people, most of them minors, a justified reaction to brazen criminal activity.” (See: SF Police Describe Chaos At Skateboard Event, Face Questions Over Mass Arrests ; Thirty-two people were arrested and weapons were seized at the Dolores Hill Bomb, but some political leaders suggested the police response may have exacerbated the situation. July 9, 2023 Updated: July 10, 2023 12:07 p.m.)

Scott said he was Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Did they REALLY say that?, - Even MORE Uncategorized!, - Lost In Space: TOTALLY Discombobulated, - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News, WTF | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Badger State Voters Say They’ll Vote For BIDEN, Reject Trump & DeSantis

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Sunday, July 9, 2023

Republicans, at least those of a sound mind, are whistling past the graveyard because of what now seems to be a lack of support by the unwashed masses (i.e., being those who supported his candidacy the first, and second times), for Mr. Mar-a-Lago MAGA Man’s third run at the Oval Office. Some of them, at least.

As with any candidate, particularly those who have ever held any public office, as he has, support is often an ever-changing thing. You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.* And the Carnival Barker in Chief knows, understands, and realizes that quite well… which is why, in part, he chose to have a campaign rally in a teeny-tiny town in South Carolina — Pickens, a town encompassing a mere 3 square miles (that’s not a typo — THREE POINT ZERO FIVE), with 3388 population. Pickens is the county seat of Pickens County, South Carolina — population, 131,404 — and is situated in the state’s western horn, which northern border abuts North Carolina for approximately 8.5 miles.

There is, of course, a Wal-Mart Super Center and a Tractor Supply store in town.

Things just LOOK better, as in appearing as if there are massive numbers of people, much like pouring one gallon of water into a pint-sized container; the cup runneth over. On the other hand, pouring a pint into a gallon container is hardly impressive, especially if the containers depicted appear “equal” in size (though they’re not).

But those who have their heads screwed on straight know better than to lend their support to a Federally-indicted candidate for public office — one who undoubtedly will be facing MORE Federal charges, including some from the State of Georgia.

But the Prevaricator in Chief knows full well that what things LOOK like, i.e., what they appear to be, are often NOT what they are in Trump World. And that is why he loves the charade of appearances. It is a form of manipulation — he is the corrupt potter, and you are the malleable manipulated clay.

Think of it like a magician’s show — it’s all sleight of hand.

So, Faux Newz recently put a spin onto the greater matter, that being the question of who the 2024 GOP Presidential candidate nominee will be, and interviewed at least TWO people in South Carolina Republican politics. That, after Marquette University Law School published their 75th Wisconsin survey, which revealed VERY unfavorable findings for Badger State Republicans — the worst being the discovery that a significant number of GOP voters would vote FOR the incumbent POTUS, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., rather than for either The Florida Man, or his rival, Chief Wanna’ Be Again.


When asked “Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump or haven’t you heard enough about them yet?” an astounding 65% of respondents replied Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in - Did they REALLY say that?, - My Hometown is the sweetest place I know, - Politics... that "dirty" little "game" that first begins in the home., - Read 'em and weep: The Daily News | Tagged: , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »