Warm Southern Breeze

"… there is no such thing as nothing."

Atlanta Fire Investigators Name Suspect in Wendy’s Arson Case

Posted by Warm Southern Breeze on Monday, June 22, 2020

Atlanta, Georgia Fire Investigators are actively seeking a woman whom they identify as “Natalie White” – a 29-year-old White female – as a suspect in the arson of the University Avenue Wendy’s Restaurant.

Atlanta, Georgia Law Enforcement Authorities have released video of a female suspect whom they identify as 29-year-old Natalie White, seen here in still images from store security video cameras, and wearing the exact same attire as the woman seen in the video of the night of the arson of the University Boulevard Wendy’s Restaurant.

Atlanta authorities have released images from store security cameras of a woman fitting that exact description, and wearing the exact same clothing whom is apparently shopping.

The restaurant, which was the site of Rayshard Brooks’ murder by Atlanta Police, who shot him in the back as he fled arrest for suspicion of DUI – even though he was not driving – was torched the next night.

In video of the event in the night in question, a White woman in a black tank top and black thigh-length shorts can be seen reaching inside the broken-out front window of the restaurant, and apparently using some kind of accelerant to encourage a fire.

In the video Tweet which has since been deleted, or hidden (formerly located at “https://twitter.com/ImKingFola/status/1272012004539224066”) of the event of the night in question, made by a Twitter user identified as “ImKingFola,” the individual whom is apparently recording the video can be heard saying “Look at the white girl trying to burn down the Wendy’s. This wasn’t us.”

Video, and still images, of the now-hidden or deleted Tweet may be found in this story:

Reporting of the story by WAGA TV Fox 5 in Atlanta stated in part that,

“Fox 5 Investigative Reporter Randy Travis noted that Brooks repeatedly stated on the police officer’s body cam footage that a woman named Natalie White was his girlfriend.

““On the bodycam video, Brooks repeatedly refers to a Natalie White as his girl friend who had recently dropped him off. We asked the suspect’s mother if her daughter knew Brooks and got no comment,” Travis wrote on Twitter. “Authorities will not tell us whether the two Natalie Whites are the same, or whether Brooks even had someone drop him off at the Wendy’s that night.””

A series of close-up images from the video show the woman reaching through the broken front glass of the restaurant. She is wearing a black tank-style top, and black thigh-length shorts with a lavender wrap about her waist, and apparently holding a black bag of some type on her LEFT arm… just as she is depicted in the store security camera video images.

A different still image made by separate individual of that same woman shows her standing by the front door and again, apparently spraying some kind of accelerant into the restaurant, and has also circulated via the Internet.

The White female on the LEFT in the image with a purple/lavender wrap about her waist is wearing the same clothing as the woman seen in the video reaching inside the broken front glass of the restaurant. Law Enforcement authorities have identified her as 29-year-old “Natialie White,” and have released images of her made by store security video cameras in which she is shown wearing that same attire.

In the video made by the Atlanta Police Officer’s body cam, the now-deceased Mr. Rayshard Brooks can be heard mentioning the name “Wendy White” whom he identified as his girlfriend.

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